Hypothyroid success story...123lbs GONE!!



  • d3gus
    d3gus Posts: 97 Member
    Hi I too have hashimotos, wasn't diagnosed for nearly 5 yrs in which time my hair fell out, i put on nearly 7 stone, my ankles swelled so much i couldn't walk, my skin itched so much i scratched it till it bled - my saviour has been armour thyroid - i couldn't stomach the synthetic versions - I got my sanity back eventually thanks to the pills but it has been a struggle to lose the weight - lost 38lbs so far with another 60 or so to go.
    - I have cut down on all the carbs except in fruit and veggies and it has made a big difference to how i feel in myself - more energy etc. my portion sizes were reduced to fall into the calorie deficit i set myself. I walk and lift free weights and have fallen 2 dress sizes :) so far.

    Well done - many congrats on the effort I know you must have put in to get this great loss
    :smiley: xx
  • sweetaj
    sweetaj Posts: 30 Member
    thank you for this story! I have been on hypo meds for over a year now, and i've packed on 50 pounds, so been back at the weight loss thee last two weeks! I just got so dang tired, no motivation to do anything and the weight just piled on!! :( I take l-thyroxine 75mcg, and i feel no better no worse since on it?!! My tsh is in the 4's; was in the 2's about 6 months ago, but the Dr. says still within normal range... gah!! Anyhow, enough on me and Congrats on you!!

    Also, what d3gus says, I still itch so bad I scratch til I bleed if I get started!! :(
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