when am i supposed to weigh myself?

mj4134 Posts: 10 Member
And What i Mean Is Put Down what i lost. Because i know Pounds Yo-yo Throgh out the day but am i supposed to weigh myself Everyday and not enter it on MFP Until The next Week? I wanna Do This Right This time.


  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Personally, if I weighed myself every day - or multiple times a day - I'd go insane.

    I weigh myself every Friday morning before I eat or drink anything and after (ummmm...) I use the restroom.
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    l also weigh in once a week on Friday mornings as soon as I wake up and after a visit to the restroom.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    You can weigh in and change the numbers here on MFP as often or as little as you like. Though it's generally recommended that you weigh once a week, first thing in the morning, under the same conditions. Personally, I'm weighing more like once a month, these days. But I know my routine and I know it's working, so I don't need to check the number on the scale as often to know that I'm progressing. You'll have to figure out what works best for you.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I weigh daily (first thing in the morning) and only log my 'lowest' weight so far on MFP. Example, I was 204.1 yesterday and I logged it, and today I'm 204.3 and I won't log it.

    I don't worry about scale fluctuations though, or whether I'm exactly 1lb down from last Friday or whatever - as long as my weight trends downwards overall and my calories are in check, I feel good. Checking in daily helps me feel more accountable to myself and my body.

    My husband weighs in once a week (either Sun or Mon), as he likes seeing 1-3lb differences from the week before. So it's all personal preference. :)
  • Peanutmanak47
    Peanutmanak47 Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah the best time to do it is in the morning after you have used the toilet and all.

    How often is just a personal preference.
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh every morning after using the bathroom and before eating or drinking anything. I log the weight every day knowing that there will be minor fluctuations up or down. I would get frustrated if my weigh-in day happened to be the day I retained water and showed a high number. For me, weighing daily gives me the most accurate picture of what's going on.
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    i do it in the morning thats when your the lightest :p
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    There really are no "rules"...weigh in whenever you want...

    Most people weigh in first thing in the morning after they've emptied their bodies of waste and before they've put any food or liquids into it considering foods and liquids have mass and thus weight. Most people pick a day as their official day that they log...but ultimately it matters not at all...what matters is trend analysis and the overall trend over time.
  • cconniee
    The one and only time I was able to loose a lot of weight (80+lbs, 10 years ago) I weighed in every day. I have put back on about 20 lbs in the last couple years and I have been trying to diet over and over and over again, weighing in once a week. Each time I failed. This time I am weighing in every day again and I am doing great so far...
    I think like one other person on here said, If you only weigh once a week and that happens to be the day you trend up a little, You are going to feel like you did all that work for such little reward. By weighing in every day I see the -0.4 lbs, -0.8 lbs. Or it could be a small + that day but I know that I did everything right the day before so I don't let that small + bother me, knowing it will come off plus some the next day!

    It all depends on how you see things.

    PS. Yes I log my weight on MFP every day! The Downs and the Ups!
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I log my weight every Thursday morning. So tomorrow's my day!

    I measure every 4th week.
  • sunburntgalaxy
    sunburntgalaxy Posts: 455 Member
    I think everyone does it differently - I try for once a week on a work day so I am at least getting it at about the same time. I usually forget though, so it is usually 8 or 9 days before I actually get it done. My boyfriend weighs himself all the time and is never happy with what the scale says - but he is also not really trying to loose the way I am so that is probably why.
  • BarryBerhow
    BarryBerhow Posts: 3 Member
    I am just getting started again but in the past, I weighed myself twice a week - Day 3 and Day 7. I used to weigh everyday but found the scale went up and down too much. When I weigh at Day 3, it gives me an idea of where I am at at mid-week. I try to stay between 2-3 lbs per week.
  • northbanu
    northbanu Posts: 366 Member
    Weigh in whenever you want. If daily is stressful, then do it weekly, or twice weekly, or twice a day, or once a month. It's up to you and your comfort level. Sounds like your doing what works for you.

    I weigh myself every morning after my shower and restroom stop. But I only "Check In" after I've lost some amount of weight that I'm happy with. That means generally every 3 or 4 weeks I mark off 4 or 5 pounds. I don't care too much what the numbers are between check ins (meaning I don't let a up tick during the week get me down.) I just like the data. I'm weird that way, I guess.
  • lemurianstar
    lemurianstar Posts: 9 Member
    I fall into the "once a month" group personally. There's something about weighing monthly that feels more reliable. Once a month, either a certain weekday (usually Monday) or a certain day of the month (like the 12th) around the same time as the previous weigh-in (like 10am or 5am before work). So, as previous posters have stated, it really all depends on how you want to do it.
  • armijoch
    armijoch Posts: 20 Member
    As a former wrestler, weighing in always brings anticipation. I find that if I am nervous about being weighed that I tend to weigh more. I know it sounds weird but if I get a little apprehensive about stepping on the scale, I will do a 10 minute meditation and think light thoughts until I'm comfortable stepping up (this was visualization trick that our coach had taught us). And yes it seems to work every time.

    We are products of our thoughts, so if we're constantly worried about gaining weight, then we will most likely gain more weight. I stopped worrying about the concept of "losing weight" and made it into "gaining self confidence". I have always been bulky and my build always put me into the category of obese even in my peak physical years (I hope that I can still get a few of these back).

    Weight will always fluctuate, but I suggest not weighing yourself until you are mentally excited to do it, otherwise you may invite disappointment. Sorry if I overstepped my boundary as a new member.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    I do it every Saturday morning at 9am- before food, restroom. Don't get discouraged if you weigh more after a work out you did the night before, I noticed if I weigh myself after a rest day this is when my weight loss will reflect on the scale.

    Also I do sometimes have a habit of weighing myself throughout the week, if you do this, make sure you record it separately (I record it in my notes section on my iPad) and make sure you put some type of notation when you record your official weigh in days like an asterisk.
  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    I weigh myself everyday but I log it every 3-4 days.
  • quiltmomy
    I weigh in every morning and will start to enter that in MFP. (I am just starting to use it again.) Between doing that and paying attention to my food intake, I have really been able to see how my food choices make a real difference. For example, carbs are no longer my friends. It will really help me to evaluate things much more scientifically once I have some history to reflect back on... assuming I am honest with my entries. :embarassed:
  • NoMoreBlameGame
    NoMoreBlameGame Posts: 236 Member
    I think it's up to every individual. I weigh every Friday morning after I've woken up and have gone potty.

    I doubt anyone is as "duh" as I am sometimes, but if you have a lot of hair on your head like I do...make sure your hair is dry. I scared myself senseless once weighing with wet hair from the shower; I won't do that again.:laugh:
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    I check several times a week. But I only enter my Monday late afternoon reading at the gym before I workout (only had a few exceptions to this). I use the same scale each time and try to have similar t-shirt and shorts on.

    It's whatever works best for you!