need advice

I feel like I have no energy.. should i start taking something for this? I hate drinking tons of coffee and energy drink that are sugary will not help my weight lose. By the time I take my college classes and go to work I have no energy for working out.


  • DanZiehm
    DanZiehm Posts: 152 Member
    I had the same kind of problem. By the end of the work day, I had very little energy to go to the gym and swim. I find that eating a protein bar at about 3:00 pm gives me enough to get me through the gym until I get home for dinner. Good luck...!!!
  • What does your diet look like? You might just be tired because you are carrying around an extra 100 lbs and aren't fueling your body well.
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Take vitamin b12 it gives you energy. They also make energy drinks with only 5's called blink I got mine at the health food store.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    It really depends on your situation and why you're tired. Are you not getting enough sleep? Find time to get more. Are you not eating enough calories? Up your calorie goal a little and see if that helps. Have you dramatically switched your diet, cut out sugar or carbs? You may be suffering from the first effects of that change which gradually subsides. Are you not getting enough iron? Take a supplement or add more iron-rich foods into your diet.

    There are plenty of energy supplements out there that don't have sugar. There are zero calorie energy drinks, 5 hour Energy shots and there's always the B-12 supplement as well as iron which might help.
  • danielmbuckley
    danielmbuckley Posts: 13 Member
    SueInAz nailed it.

    It could be a number of things.

    I would take a step back and evaluate the following:

    Sleep: Get at least 8 hours.
    Diet: As Sue mentioned, are you not eating enough or did you recently change it... it might take some time to adjust
    Deficiencies: Most of us are deficient in Omega-3's and other vitamins and minerals. I highly highly highly suggest taking fish oil supplements and a daily multivitamin. I have seen drastic changes in people with just those 2 supplements.
    Water: Are you consuming enough water? Focus on drinking at least 2 liters (64oz) a day if not more.

    Hope this helps... try one of those changes for a week and see how you feel. Then add another one. These are things that everyone should be doing!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Open your diary.
  • courtneynicole619
    I did change my diet or trying to.
    i don't really get much sleep.

    I will try to take everyone advice. My calorie intake is set at 1400.

    My diary is open.
  • courtneynicole619
    I cut out soda and white starches.
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    I did change my diet or trying to.
    i don't really get much sleep.

    I will try to take everyone advice. My calorie intake is set at 1400.

    My diary is open.

    From always being the engineer, I would say don't change too many things at once. There is a lot of good advice here but changing too many things at once will leave you wondering which one worked. Try one or two changes at a time to see what works and what does not.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Hey there :) I drink a cup of coffee about 30-45 minutes before a workout. It helps give me a little push to get going after a long day of work or whatever. Science agrees with me!