New to MFP!

Hi everyone, I am Ginny . I am 18, and I have had thyroid since I was 11. I know a lot of people with hypothyroid struggle to lose weight. Same is my story. I have been in and out the gym a couple of times and I can never seem to lose weight. I started gym 4 months ago again, and then I quit after 2 months. It really hurts when I see no result even after working so hard. I weigh 137 lbs and I am 5'0. So that's quite a lot of weight considering my height. I am currently on 112 mcg of synthyroid. My family doctor is no good. She never refers me to an endo. Every visit I have to monitor my thyroid all I hear is exercise and you will lose weight. It's been a struggle. I can't even buy nice clothes, or wear dresses because I feel fat in them. Sleeveless isn't an option for me. I really feel helpless at times. So anyone, Please just anyone has anything, any tips or suggestions, any weight loss success stories, it would really motivate me. And also I have a problem. I can never fully commit my self to working out. I quit too easy. What do I do?

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