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  • brentbarrie
    brentbarrie Posts: 532 Member
    I did....lol
  • Have been on quite a journey. It started with health which subsequently resulted in weight loss. Now I sleep better, am a healthy weight for my height, have more energy and my state of mind is transformed.

    I've tried many things in the past, but the only way I had reduced my weight to this level in the past was effectively starving myself. In your 20's this might seem to work. But now have a family to think of and so the healthy way is the only way.

    There are so many knock on effects from being healthy my life now is transformed.

    Would love to share my tips and any resources that I've found helpful along the way.

    Don't underestimate the factor of state of mind when considering the need to lose weight. If you're over weight it's obvious you need to eat healthy and get active. WE all know refined sugar is and and we should drink more water, but there is a state of mind that prevents or hinders us from just sticking to those two things alone...

    That could be the inherent feeling of self worth. The feeling you don't deserve to be thin, happy, successful...

    Conquer this and I reckon you'll achieve a lot more than just weight loss!
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I would love to be friends. Add me if you like!