Anybody else have a weighted hula hoop?

So I got this weighted 3 lb. hula hoop for Christmas, which is what I asked for, and aside from the extremely funny instructions inside, this sucker HURTS. I did it for 2 minutes, and I can see how it would really help you whittle your middle down, BUT it has these kind of knots on the inside of the hoop that hurt when you do it.

Anybody else have one of these things? Any tips on how not to bruise yourself doing it?


  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 283 Member
    We have a couple in our exercise room at work. It DOES hurt, I was sore and felt bruised for several days after I tried one out. No fun! And I will probably never use it again. lol
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 242 Member
    I have one, and at first it do hurt but after a couple of sessions it won't bother you any more. The more you practice the longer you'll be able to keep the hoop going and it is fun. Hula hooping has always been a childhood favorite of mine.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    I just got one yesterday during all of the sales. I got that and a jump rope and am going to start today. I just hope I can keep it spinning around my waist, haha. I was actually just reading about it and it is supposed to be a fantastic cardio workout. I am looking forward to trying it out today but I am sure your 2 minutes are longer than I will be able to do it. LOL
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I have a hoop that is a travel hoop from Hoopnotica & it weighs about 3lbs. When I first started it left bruises but it doesn't have any knots.

    It's one of my favorite exercises!! :D
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    i have a weighted hula hoop with the weighted arm hoops also. i got bruised in the beginning and boy it looked bad but i do my hula hoop for 30 minutes a day and love it, ive tried doing a regular hula hoop and its so light it feel so odd playing with one. great investment, only prob i have is what to do log it as and calories burned?????
  • ScarletBCat
    I've been hooping for a few months at a yoga studio. I've been told not to use weighted hoops since they can bruise you and really the weight isn't necessary. There are tons of online shops where you can purchase unweighted hoops. :flowerforyou:
  • rurukidoo
    You're going to get bruised for the first few weeks with any hula hoop tbh. But after a while it stops, it's all part of the fun of learning! =D
    I've been doing hoop dance for about 19 months now and it is a really good workout. I don't know how much my hoop weighs as I hand made it myself, but I know that while going to classes I was absolutely knackered by the end of it, these days I just dance with it for fun, but when you are going at full pelt you can burn up to 600 calories an hour.
    I guess what I am trying to say is, stick with it, and expect the bruises for a while! If you ever need any advice I'd be happy to try to help! =D
  • meandjorge
    meandjorge Posts: 2 Member
    I know this thread is really old, but I got a weighted hula hoop for Christmas this yr and it has left bruises too. Im glad Im not the only one and that it will stop bruising. I used to do the Wii Fitness Hula Hoop and know it hurts you lower tunny at first, just from using new muscles. But these are actual, real bruises along with the muscle aches. Mine is also the the type that isnt smooth.
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    The bruising will stop after awhile. Its a great workout for your mid section I love mine. BUT make sure you hula in both directions or you will look a little lopsided. I found that out the hard way.
  • Deeanna21
    Hula hooping is great! As for the bruises, it helps to start out at 2 minutes the first few days, and then add 30 seconds everyday there after for about a week. After the first week I added 1 minute everyday working myself up to 30 minutes. It bruised at first, but they were never really bad. I have the 4 pound wavy hula hoop. Hope this helps! :)
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I had some horrendous bruises the first few weeks but I just wore a thicker top while I hula'd and after a few goes it was fine. It's just learning to control where it hits your waist as well. At first mine was constantly hitting my hip bones but once I learnt to control it better I could keep it away
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I have one, but I haven't used it in a long time. Yes you do get some good bruises at first. But I was wondering do you really loss any weight or inches by using it.??
  • JessicaDooley
    I just got the weighted one from Danskin (5lb) - I love it and was having so much fun I must have hula'd for well over a half hour the first time, and I'm bruised all over! I guess I'll have to take a break to heal, but love it!

    I have two questions though - 1. Is there any confirmation or factual information that there is no point for a weighted hoop? It seems to me anytime you can add weight to your workout it's a bonus. 2. what other hoops are recommended?
  • JessicaDooley
    Oh, nm - I just found a great article that answers both of my questions,and some others in this feed :) Check It:
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    I purchased a 2.5lb hula hoop recently and I love it! It's difficult to keep going, but I am getting better. I have some pretty horrible bruises, but they are starting to fade.
  • aNewMiniMe
    aNewMiniMe Posts: 116 Member
    I too purchased a 2.5 pound hoop along with a 15 min DVD. I did the DVD the first day - big mistake. I should have started slow and worked up to the 15 minutes. The next day I did about 5 minutes. Today I tried using it and about screamed. I bruised myself pretty good and need to stop and let it heal. Once healed I will start slowly with 1 - 2 minutes and work up. As for going both directions I would agree. I know that I feel a difference when trying to reverse my direction.
  • littlewolf1
    I recently purchased the dance skin 2.5 lb from Walmart and it did hurt at first and I have a Saturn ring of bruises around my midsection but I am learning to control it better and its fun! I have only been using the dance skin one for about two weeks but already see a difference in my waist line.. remember suck it in and tilt that pelvis ! Lol I can feel abdominal muscles that have be hibernating for years under the surface... I read somewhere using a weighted hoop and circling 10 minutes each direction per day can shed 2 inch a month off your waistline.. I believe it... and its shaping my buttox as well! haha I will heal from the bruises! I have a dress to fit perfect into come September! so I won't quit! :). here is the link I use for approximate calorie calculations.. hope this helps! keep spinning!!!
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I just got the weighted one from Danskin (5lb) - I love it and was having so much fun I must have hula'd for well over a half hour the first time, and I'm bruised all over! I guess I'll have to take a break to heal, but love it!

    I have two questions though - 1. Is there any confirmation or factual information that there is no point for a weighted hoop? It seems to me anytime you can add weight to your workout it's a bonus. 2. what other hoops are recommended?

    I am a hoop dancer and work with an extremely light hoop. Heavier hoops are easier to start with, because they spin slowly, but hoop dancers prefer light hoops because they can be used on all parts of the body (legs, chest, shoulders) and can also be used for off-body tricks. A light hoop has to spin a lot faster to stay up, so although you don't have to push it as hard, you have to move a lot faster, so the calorie burn remains high. I've calculated my calorie burn while hooping, and it's about 550 calories an hour... and I'm really small, so it's not easy for me to get my burn rates high!

    Edited to add -- a lot of adult dance hoops are made from the black PVC piping that is sold for irrigation tubing; it can be purchased at places like Home Depot. They can still be fairly heavy, depending on the diameter of the tubing and the size of the hoop. Advanced hoop dancers often prefer hoops made of polypropelene ("polypro") because they are lighter and more responsive. That's what I use. If you don't know anyone who makes and sells dance hoops, look on Etsy.
  • peace_frog21
    peace_frog21 Posts: 108 Member
    Be careful with those extremely heavy hoops you all. And do not hoop over all those bruises. Let them heal. You can tweek muscles in your back easily with those 3-5 lb hoops. I bought a weighted fitness hoop from ****'s Sporting Goods because I was impatient waiting on my first hoop to arrive. I took it back when I felt the difference between the weighted hoop and the dance hoop. It hurt!

    I'm a hoop dancer. I use regular, light dance hoops and have lost 50 lbs, not to mention the toning and the cardio benefits. The bruising is less and the muscle soreness is less. It is easier to keep a heavy hoop up, but when you start trying to keep a lighter hoop up you have to move your muscles quicker (so more "reps") to keep it going. I recommend looking for a hoop community in your area. Find others who do hoop dance or make custom hoops or do fitness hoop dance classes. And make it a total body workout, not just your mid section! There's so much more that can be gained all over, mentally and physically, from "exercise" with a hula hoop. Some good resources for finding people in your area are and Even search "hoop dance" on youtube! You might be surprised :-)

    Have fun!!
  • RoBalance
    RoBalance Posts: 56 Member
    I bought a weighted hoop as well yesterday and got really excited as I loved it since I was a child. But I simply cannot believe that it burns as many calories as, say zumba or swimming. I did it for 20 min yesterday and didn't find it hard at all. The only thing that feels sore today are my sides due to the contact with the hoop. Are the stated calorie amounts really just for twirling the hoop around your waist? I feel it hardly involves any movement at all :/