How can I loose 50lbs in 3 months, has anyone done it?

So i've decided to embark on a new journey.

I'm 310lbs and i'm 5'10, i'm 22 years old.

I had a meltdown and simply COULD NOT life this lifestyle any longer.

I decided i'd set 3 month goals and this is one of them...

I've been cutting out a lot of junk food and I do 30 mins of cardio a day (once I can handle it I plan on doing an hour).

I was wondering if any of you have lost such a large amount of weight in a short amount of time and how you did it?

Any tips would be helpful.

Thank you for your time!!


  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Not in a healthy manner.

    What is the rush?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    That's over four pounds a week. You may be able to start off that quickly at your size, but it won't keep up. Aim for two pounds a week and you'll still feel healthier in three months.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    Did you gain 50 lbs in 3 months? Why are you trying to lose so quickly??
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    When you decided you were tired and ready for change. That was the first step but don't get too far ahead of yourself.

    Don't put a time limit on your weight loss. Take this one day at a time.

    Pick a moderate deficit and learn to make this sustainable for forever. I realize the urgency and the desire for immediate gratification. It's tempting to want to do anything to lose weight as quickly as possible but what will you have learned in that time?

    This is more about learning and growing than it is about simple weight loss. Yes, it's a perk but take it a day at a time. Finding foods you enjoy and fitting them into your day. Baby steps for big progress. Think about where you'll be a year from now if you make changes you can follow through with long term and not risk relapsing into bad habits. :flowerforyou:
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    i almost pulled off this feat this year from March-May i lost 47 pounds in 92 days.

    now granted in march i was 453lbs (6'5') and i went down to 406.

    now im 365..

    i ate around 1600-2000 cals a day, desperately tried to limit my bread intake. lots of protein, infact me and protein, and green tea are best Friends now

    cheated 7 days where i ate anything i wanted.

    most importantly my butt was in the gym 23+ days of those months. 25 in may, and i felt i worked my hardest in may, but i only lost 14lbs that month compared to 21 in march.

    its not an easy thing to do, but ID LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE :love: :love: :love: to drop 50 more before the year is out, honestly u got to take it one step at a time.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    My tip would be don't set goals that you are likely to fail and I'm afraid yours you are likely to. Aim for a more sustainable loss you didn't put 50 pounds on overnight so it wont come off over night either have a look at the links below they will give you good advice on a sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    i almost pulled off this feat this year from March-May i lost 47 pounds in 92 days.

    now granted in march i was 453lbs (6'5') and i went down to 406.

    now im 365..

    i ate around 1600-2000 cals a day, desperately tried to limit my bread intake. lots of protein, infact me and protein, and green tea are best Friends now

    cheated 7 days where i ate anything i wanted.

    most importantly my butt was in the gym 23+ days of those months. 25 in may, and i felt i worked my hardest in may, but i only lost 14lbs that month compared to 21 in march.

    its not an easy thing to do, but ID LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE :love: :love: :love: to drop 50 more before the year is out, honestly u got to take it one step at a time.

    since i was so big, i rode the bike,i rode it alot, i hurt myself in march when i tried to walk and jog so i switched to the bike and was on there 45 minutes, then added a minute everyday i was there, eventually i was biking for 80 minutes and then going 20, even sometimes 23 miles+
  • loralye211
    loralye211 Posts: 29 Member
    I did 35 in 3. I think you could do 50 but it will take some drastic measures (they hit goals like this on biggest loser all the time so it can't be that completely unhealthy short-term). Try not only limiting your calories but making healthier choices as to what you eat: fruit, vegetables, chicken breast, lean beef, etc. I found the limiting the amount of grains I consume works well. It's hard to restrain yourself from eating pasta and bread and other grainy goodness so removing that temptation may work for you too. Drink a ton of water as well. Beside helping you lose weight, your skin will look amazing!

    If you can keep your motivation high and eat healthy foods, I think you will do a great job at kick starting your weightloss!
  • marthalgutierrez92
    Thanks for the advice, you guys completely changed my mind set.
    I will aim for 1-2 pounds a week.
    Fortunately, i'm still young and have years and years
    ahead of me. I should learn to be patient and take it
    step by step on a daily basis. I am barely beginning
    to intake chicken and veggies. It's crazy I used to eat
    fast food 3-4 times a week. It's so hard
    but I will stick to it and succeed.

    Thanks guys!!
  • marthalgutierrez92
    That's amazing congrats, you're an inspiration!!
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Can it be done ? Yes
    Should it be done ? Only you can answer that.

    My tip: Put in some time and do some real reserch into what it will take and how to accomplish it. It will come at a price.
    Only you can decide if that price is to high.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    It has taken me just over 7 months to lose 50-lbs. I am taking it off slowly because I plan to live this lifestyle for the rest of my life.
    Taking it off too fast is only temporary because you can't sustain the lifestyle.
    Best of luck,,
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    That is way too much to lose in that short of time and do it in a healthy way. Aim for 2 lbs a week - eat at the calorie level MFP gives you and move more than you do today. If you decide to do excessive exercise - eat some of those calories. The max you should plan on losing in those 3 months is 26-30 pounds (you could easily lose a bit more than 2 lbs a week for the first few weeks).

    You want to make healthy a lifestyle. Rapid weight loss often leads to rapid regain - with a few additional pounds added. This isn't a race, this is about your health.
  • debbielpearson57
    it has taken me since may 2013 to lose 160 pounds. I wouldnt recommend it though Im struggling with the last 30 it dont want to go nowhere Good luck!!! Be healthy
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    I've lost 26 pounds in three months and thought that was pretty aggressive. But then, I'm not working out at the gym. I wouldn't recommend it.

    The key is slow and steady. And understanding that your relationship with food may need to change.

    Can you sustain whatever you are doing for the rest of your life? 15 years ago, I was at my lowest adult weight ever -135 pounds. And I gained back every pound I had lost, and then maybe as much as 45 more.

    I couldn't sustain what I had done to lose the weight, and hadn't learned new habits. (Other factors, as well, but primarily those.)

  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Thanks for the advice, you guys completely changed my mind set.
    I will aim for 1-2 pounds a week.
    Fortunately, i'm still young and have years and years
    ahead of me. I should learn to be patient and take it
    step by step on a daily basis. I am barely beginning
    to intake chicken and veggies. It's crazy I used to eat
    fast food 3-4 times a week. It's so hard
    but I will stick to it and succeed.

    Thanks guys!!

    This is the best way to approach your weight loss, slow and steady. You will have much more success than trying "drastically" to lose 50 lbs in 3 months. Make small changes at first, especially with your food, and you will be more likely to make the changes permanent. You have a great attitude, I wish you luck!
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    When you decided you were tired and ready for change. That was the first step but don't get too far ahead of yourself.

    Don't put a time limit on your weight loss. Take this one day at a time.

    Pick a moderate deficit and learn to make this sustainable for forever. I realize the urgency and the desire for immediate gratification. It's tempting to want to do anything to lose weight as quickly as possible but what will you have learned in that time?

    This is more about learning and growing than it is about simple weight loss. Yes, it's a perk but take it a day at a time. Finding foods you enjoy and fitting them into your day. Baby steps for big progress. Think about where you'll be a year from now if you make changes you can follow through with long term and not risk relapsing into bad habits. :flowerforyou:

    This.. could not have said it better... Slow and steady
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I did 35 in 3. I think you could do 50 but it will take some drastic measures (they hit goals like this on biggest loser all the time so it can't be that completely unhealthy short-term). Try not only limiting your calories but making healthier choices as to what you eat: fruit, vegetables, chicken breast, lean beef, etc. I found the limiting the amount of grains I consume works well. It's hard to restrain yourself from eating pasta and bread and other grainy goodness so removing that temptation may work for you too. Drink a ton of water as well. Beside helping you lose weight, your skin will look amazing!

    If you can keep your motivation high and eat healthy foods, I think you will do a great job at kick starting your weightloss!

    I just want to counter the idea from you that this is healthy. The people who are on those shows sign some pretty crazy waivers because what they're doing is not healthy. They are under constant medical supervision through out the show as well. Unless you're going to meet with a doctor who has some serious nutrition knowledge and works specifically to get people down to healthy weights and are willing to check in with them on a weekly basis, while working with a team of knowledgeable trainers and nutritionists; it's probably not going to work out well for you health.

    As for the OP, glad to see you're taking people's advice to heart and are going to do this in a sustainable manner! 2lbs is completely reasonable for you currently because your body fat percentage is likely pretty high and you've got a good amount of weight to lose. When you get within about 80lbs of your goal, drop to 1.5lbs per week. You can also choose to lose slower than that, which just means more food!
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    To lose 1 pound of fat you need to have a calorie deficit of 3500 calories.
    To lose 50 pounds you need a deficit of 175,000 calories.
    To do that in 3 months you would need a calorie deficit of 175000/92 = 1900+ calories a day. That's extremely hard to do unless you are incredibly obese to start with.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    So much good advice and perspective here. Wish there were "like" buttons!

    An additional tip: find foods you genuinely enjoy that fit in your calorie budget. If you truly enjoy your healthy meals, you will feel satisfied AND meet your nutrition needs WHILE maintaining your caloric deficit. If you feel satisfied and meet your nutritional needs, you're much, much less likely to binge or bail on the "lifestyle change." Nobody's taste's change overnight, but gradually they will change, and you will find you actually do enjoy the nutritionally dense stuff more which means you don't have to eat 3 servings of something to feel satisfied. You can eat less and enjoy it more. Maybe a better way to say it is avoid feeling deprived because THAT will derail you.

    I also agree that you might be able to lose 50lb in 3 mo initially, but that rate of loss is not sustainable over the long haul. You will feel amazingly better after a 35 lb loss. Maybe think about behavior (diet and exercise) goals for 3 months rather than weight loss goals. A diet goal might be a weekly caloric average of X for Y weeks in a row. An exercise goal might be weight training 3x/week for 13 weeks. Realistic exercise goals are as important as realistic caloric goals. An injury would really defeat the whole point. Best of luck to you!