Back Again

I have been on and off this site for the past couple of years. I weighed 245 about eight years ago and lost 100 pounds. I kept the weight off for six years and in the past two years, I have gained 30 pounds. I'm scared of going back to where I was. I am 57 this month, have gone through the change and probably still am but getting hormone treatment, retired, got a part-time job I hated and quit, and then went through a low-level depression. The fog is lifting thank goodness.

I just got my real estate license but don't have much business so have all the time in the world to exercise but don't have the energy at the moment. I began living with my boyfriend two years ago and we both stopped working out and started eating waayyyy too much ice cream. That was the beginning of my weight gain. I am posting this because I want to be accountable and stick with it this time. I tried low carb and lost about seven pounds but I found it made me even more lethargic and cranky and gained it all back. Now I am trying to cut out the bad carbs and count calories. I know I need to get moving and would love to hear from anyone out there for inspiration. I love reading the success stories and hope that one day I can post one :)


  • free2beany12
    Wow you sound like me... when I was reading your post it sounded more and more like me.. :) I too am 57 this month.. I also moved in with my boyfriend 2 years ago - he's a tradie so does a lot of walking and doesn't have a weight problem.. I work full time and in an office so time for exercise is pretty slim... I do take my dog for a walk every day except for Mondays when I'm travelling but I know that's not enough.. I go for 45 mins, 6 days a week... I want to lose about 50 pounds so I look good for my son's wedding in November.. .I know I've left it a bit late but that's because I try and try and lose a bit and then put back on more... going through the change has been pretty easy for me apart for the weight gain which I'm determined to beat this time !! I'm not weighing myself... I've taken all the measurements and once I feel as though I'm making ground I'll jump on those scales.. I know I think my before weight... I'm such a chicken :( Anyway back to work and my lovely 5th glass of H20 .. yes I'm even trying to drink my 8 glasses a day..

    Good Luck you can do it... WE can do it.. I'll keep checking to see how you're going and maybe we could give each other encouragement...

    Sue, Melbourne
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me! I still have a bit to go and I never want to go back!