new here, recovering from an ED!

So, I am not exactly new but I am new here on the boards. I believe I made a post one time a few months back. But I have come to realize a few things. I have been suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder along with body dysmorphic disorder for about ten years. I have recently come to terms with it and I am trying to rebuild my relationship with food. My weight yo-yos like crazy. I have been anywhere from 109 lbs to 175 lbs. I have had a lot of fluctuation, outside of pregnancy. I can't seem to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and I need to break that habit. I have tries paleo, vegan (I was actually raised vegan) ovo-lacto vegetarian, fruitarian, everything. I have tried diet pills, herbs, cleanses. Everything is temporary.

Now, I just want to be me. Healthy, happy, and satisfied with myself. Not any kind of dieter, just me.

I put my scale away, due to unhealthy habits with obsessively weighing myself. But I will be counting my calories, because my therapist wants me to keep track of my foods, to keep track of possible binging or restricting. I am guessing I am somewhere in the high 120's right now.

I have two wonderful children, one is 10 months and the other 2 1/2. Both crazy, rambunctious boys who I love very much. I am also married, have been for about 1 1/2 years now!

I am from South Carolina. I would love to talk with some other people who live around me. Add me as a friend if you'd like! I would love to have more support on here. I try to log every day lately.

Anyway, just saying hey, and that I will try to be on here more often, not only to help myself but support all of ya'll as well!