SBF2: Reboot boogaloo...Final wk of year

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
The countdown to resolutions begins...

Had a great Christmas - didn't eat too much, didn't eat too many sweets (my main dessert was a souffle, which has so many eggs in it, it could be considered breakfast... I kid... sorta) - and no presents. Refreshing.

I did 54 sun salutations yesterday, albeit messy ones - but I'm not sore today, so I think I'm good to go for Saturday's 108.

Charlie has this week off (oh, the benefits of working for the University), so we will be going out to eat a lot and other fun stuff. Also getting some stuff around the house finished. My goal is to get the paper written and the video planned out.

Week off, boogaloo!


  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello, all! I had a wonderful Christmas. It was just my husband and I, which I'm not sure we've ever done - but it was so nice and relaxed, I really enjoyed it. Woke up, made some coffee, got the recipe together for the scones I wanted to make (they turned out so good), opened stockings, made scones, opened some presents, ate scones, opened more presents, played with gifts, talked to lots of family on the phone, made dinner with hubby, etc. Dessert was rice pudding, which I recently discovered that I like but had never tried making before. It was yummy! And probably a lot less decadent than my usual chocolate-based indulgence. :smile:

    One of the (unexpected!) presents we haven't opened yet is a Kinect, and a workout game called "Your Shape." I'll let you all know what I think once we try it out!

    Still mulling over the resolutions. I am considering things along the lines of not multi-tasking while eating (I do this at almost every meal), setting a bedtime, or planned quiet time (i.e. meditation or journaling). Of course, I'd like to set some goals about activity (I need to figure out a way to get motivated again), and leaving work at a reasonable hour, but I'm not sure if the "resolution" is where I want to do that. I dunno. Mostly I need to keep my time from slipping away quite so much, and I'm thinking the quiet time/less multi-tasking might help. Anyway... like I said, still mulling. :wink:

    I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, however you chose to celebrate. I am looking forward to some more quiet time this week (I ended up with the whole week basically off, yay!), and then my parents will be coming to visit for New Year's.

    Reflection, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Pebbles,

    I had a pretty good Christmas. Food wise I was doing well until yesterday. I got candy for Christmas. Not good.

    I didn't get any exercise while we were there, unless laughing really hard counts. :wink: I had a good time but I am glad to be home and feeling better so I can get back to a routine.
    My resolution is to be more active. Not just exercising a lot but just moving more throughout the day. That is my goal for this week also. Steve took the week off so we are going to work on cars and get the house better organized. If we do not spend hours and hours working on the cars then my goal for those days is to get on the treadmill and walk for at least 30 minutes.
    I really don't have any news. I need to get off my duff and finish trip laundry and figure out what to do about dinner since there's no food in the house.
    Home sweet home boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Uh oh, I'm talking to myself.

    I should train myself to check in after I accomplish things but I like to check in shortly after I get up with what my plans are for the day.
    So my plans today: drop mustang off to get tires, go to horse therapy (brrr! It's cold out!), go to the store to get food to last a few days, straighten up the mess we've made in the house since we got home, either work on cars (high of 49* and chance of rain) or walk on the treadmill. We had planned to go to the big museum downtown but we don't have the money. :ohwell: I have been wanting to go since the spring because they have an Egyptian exhibit there until January 3rd. I like learning about ancient Egypt. I used to want to be an Archaeologist. So I'm kind of bummed.
    I thought I heard rodents last night. :noway: May try to investigate today. Maybe I'm just paranoid.
    I did get a decent night of sleep though! So good to be in our own bed again. The cat didn't leave my pillow all night. :smile:

    Braving the "cold" boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    V just posted on last week's topic, so you're not alone, MM. week off = sleep late for me, so I'll be here late.

    "my diet should be exclusively cookies" :laugh:

    I'm working on knowing when I'm 1/2 full at fancy meal times - then I need to stop if I'm having dessert. People who never diet do not have dessert when they are not hungry. Odd, I know.

    I forgot that I was going to do 3 hour practices this week. I plan on practicing every day (except maybe Thursday, we are supposed to take a day off each week, though I don't think it would hurt to practice a little extra one week and rest a little more the next). I'm also doing homework every day. I got my final observation done yesterday and some reading.

    Exclusively cookies, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Good morning, all - hey, it's still morning! (barely) I slept very late thanks to my kitties, and have just been lazily milling about this morning. I probably shouldn't sleep that late because I think after a certain point I am just more tired. But, hey, I'm on vacation. :wink:

    Thanks to online scheduling (hooray, I don't have to get over the mental hump of picking up the phone!), I decided to take the plunge and make an appointment for acupuncture. It's at a community clinic, where you pay what you can afford (in a range) and everybody gets therapy in a big shared area. It seemed less intimidating, and since it's pretty inexpensive I don't feel like I have to go figure out insurance or anything. Very curious to see what it will be like. I may try and schedule a massage this week, too, what the heck. Christmas present to myself!

    But, before I do all that, I really need to get the house cleaned up for my parents visiting, and try to get some year-end stuff sorted out (I think I had some FSA money from my old job that I never submitted receipts for). If only I weren't feeling so lazy!

    I still have cookies in the house from friends, but they should be gone soon. I'm considering taking all of January off from sugar - December and November were way indulgent in that regard and I need to break the cycle. It will be tough, though.

    Up and at 'em, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I've made a terrible Christmas-related discovery: sugar + flour + alcohol = fibro/arthritis flare. Ugh. Other than physically, I had a lovely Christmas.

    I've pledged (my husband is doing the same thing) no refined sugar, wheat or alcohol until January 28th. I just can't have them. I listened to my acupuncturist who said "if you're really craving something, you should just have a little of it, and then the craving will go away." I wish this was true for me, but with those foods, it's just not. One cookie leads to "my diet should be exclusively cookies! Bring them on!" and one drink leads to a drink with every meal. My knees feel worse than they have in years. Grr. For the next few weeks, I'm doing the "vegan until dark" thing, so trying to avoid meat and dairy until dark (easy when it gets dark at 4:30).

    Goals for today: none of the above triggery foods, plenty of water and fruit (to help with sugar cravings, I'm even allowing myself some dates...I love dates. ...My favorite thing is to slice them in half and expose the sticky part and then put cinnamon all over them. yumm.) and veg, a walk for groceries and a yoga session. Also, I'm very excited because this is no braining week, so all I need to do is the above. When I quit braining, I tend to start organizing, so I've been eyeing my closet thinking of ideas. I think that my closet is too small and poorly designed, but I wish I could figure a way to make it work better. I've even thought of hiring a professional organizer to come and help me. I'm sure there's a way to do it.

    Also, I'm very, very chatty today....

    Blessed, boogaloo.flowerforyou

    (copy and pasted from last week's thread...isn't it still Christmas Eve?):laugh:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I think the sugar sales may go down in January. If anyone is feeling like we are, then they will be cutting out sugar too. I was really happy to have some broccoli last night. :tongue:

    It's warmer out today so we are going to start the work on the cars. Mustang is first as I think it is easier. I hope. While I am waiting for it to warm up just a little more I will be doing laundry and straightening up the house.
    We walked at the museum for 3 hours yesterday. I wore my boots and that was a dumb idea. My feet were hurting pretty bad last night but they are better this morning. Today the goal is to stay out of the kitchen for snacks and candy desserts. :huh:

    Elbow grease boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Had a nice dinner at an Irish restaurant last night, potatoes, yum.

    Today is double yoga + short walk. I didn't get yoga in yesterday, so I need to for the rest of the week. We are taking tomorrow off any work, so I need to do some extra homework today. I got one closet cleaned out yesterday. We'll be purging the rest of the house today.

    Purge, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    The victim in my non-braining week organization binge is the kitchen...I'm off to the store in a bit to purchase some lazy susans and some sort of drawer divider. Goal is to have an easier access to foods in the cupboards, and maybe free up a drawer. I saw in good housekeeping a "snack drawer" where everything was all portioned out and pre-approved. I think I want one. (or not...who knows where these projects will take me...) Essentially, since my goal is to eat out only once a week, and prepare most of my own food, I need a working kitchen to do so...

    The walk to the store and back will function as workout today. Yesterday, I was the only person in yoga class, so we did hip openers and chest openers, and she assisted me in the postures. It was like a Christmas miracle. I was nearly in tears thanking her...because I felt guilty "making" her teach the class to just me yet she did such a wonderful, tailored job. I'm really sad I can't go to her class regularly with my teaching schedule.

    Vegan until dark...well, I don't think it's going to work for me. I'm thinking of vegan until noon, vegetarian until dark. I was starving by 4 pm yesterday. I think vegans must eat constantly (or be used to hunger).

    I'm also trying to think of a fitness goal. I'm scared of all the 5Ks, CN tower climbs, etc.s...I'm thinking of maybe doing some sort of solo-goal, like a time goal for distance on a stationary bike, or two hours on a spin bike, one of the big sun salutations things (inspired by Mary)...any other suggestions? I feel a bit plateaued with my fitness level...and have to stop concentrating on size/weight/food goals exclusively...

    Jabberjaws, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • SMJ64
    SMJ64 Posts: 66
    The last 6 weeks have not been as stellar as I would have liked, but at least I'm at the end of it (nearly). I will look on the next six weeks as a clean slate. The best part about Christmas is you get to start over your life again the day after, or so it seems to me.

    Been spending too much time alone, feels like a morphing going on though. I haven't been doing much of anything except sleeping, listening to music and counting calories. Haven't even gone for a decent walk in a while. I feel like I'm still coming through the tunnel - it's just not quite there yet.

    I continue to be disappointed with the weather re: my snow shoes. I think I might have to convince my man to drive me up north for a day outing when he gets back. I'm too afraid to drive myself...such a west coast girl...can't deal with snow and ice on the roads.

    I liked what Vivia wrote in her blog about self-care. I have this internal battle all the time - two sides of my brain arguing for and against looking after myself really well. There is always a kick of guilt if it the "complex" has decided I've gone too far. Problem is, it takes ages to get over that shame. Pisses me off.
    I'd like to think that my ultra-sensitivity makes me a better musician, but I'm not so convinced. Seems the squeaky wheel gets the grease and that means those people that are outgoing/extroverted are probably getting the gigs I could get. Being human is so complicated. *sigh*.

    2010 brought a lot of personal growth mentally/spiritually and some personal shrinking physically since October anyway.
    I never make resolutions out loud, but what I do hope for 2011 is that I stay healthy, stay sane, stay optimistic come what may.

    I wish the same for you. :smooched:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs...

    Not feeling too great today (sugar/refined carb withdrawal? hormones? sinuses? who knows) had a migraine yesterday, complete with vertigo and nausea. Ugh. Went to my regularly scheduled acupuncture treatment, which was very, very intense. (I got dizzy, I never get dizzy.)

    Dragging myself to Zumba in an hour, in the hopes that some moving around will make me feel better (it's just a low-grade headache now). Then, a couple of errands, some more organizing in the kitchen, and turning my brain off. Have I mentioned I love turning my brain off? I can't believe it's almost 2011. Weird.

    MM, I was wondering if the junk food industry takes a financial hit in January (at least the first few weeks) the other day! I know that the first week of January is the biggest surge in new gym memberships (as is evidenced further by my inability to find an open elliptical). SJ, I want it to snow, too. I would love a big, stupid snowstorm. Don't tell anyone.:wink:

    Wishing for a time warp, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, I hope you start feeling better this morning. Dumb migraines. My sister texted me yesterday and said, "Do you see squiggly lines before you gt a migraine?" She had her first one. :frown: They suck.

    SMJ, I would love for it to snow too. The chances of that are slim here, especially when it's in the 70*. My mom told me to watch the forecast in the coming months for snow chances and they would drive up to see it. My youngest brother is 10 and he has never seen snow.

    We will be back out working on the cars again today. Got the brakes done on the mustang and started on the Xterra's power steering pump and valve cover gasket last night. Steve's actually doing most of the work. That cyst in my wrist, that I've had since September, limits how much pressure I can put on it. :grumble: So I promoted myself to supervisor. :laugh:
    The Christmas candy is mostly my waist. So I will be having sugar withdrawals over the next few days. Looking forward to getting back to a regular exercise routine and eating better.
    So cleaning the house, doing laundry this morning and then more elbow grease.

    Thursday already? boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I haven't managed to do without sugar yet. Maybe today. We are going out to eat with friends this evening (and probably going out this afternoon as well), but I had my favorite yesterday (mint chocolate cupcake - think of a junior mint in cake form), so everything else will be downhill, right?

    I saw a book yesterday called "Food Porn" - I thought of you, V - I looked through the pictures, but nothing made me want to buy the book. Did see a calendar from Bon Appetit, that first made me think "oh, good idea, different recipes each week" - then I thought "bad idea, looking at food all the time". I had to go out to get my favorite calendar "Get Fuzzy" - I don't get tired of looking at that comic.

    So, if you couldn't tell, I didn't get any homework done yesterday. So we aren't goofing off today - it's now moved to Saturday. We are going through the closets, and I'm doing homework. Le sigh. I'm not sure I would have signed up for this teacher training if I knew there would be this much homework. I'm sure it's good for me in some way, right?

    So, that, and yoga and walk.

    Calendars, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy new year, pebbs!

    Today I feel a bit better. I ended up breaking down and taking a "night time cold" something or other, so I think there is a sinus component. But, it's definitely some sort of neck/shoulder tension migraine. Last night, my right eyelid kept half closing on its own. So, probably time for another trip to the doc. I heard from a friend in nursing school that I should get an EEG as well as a CT scan for migraines as they're related to epilepsy. Who knew? It's good to know smart people. At the least, maybe the doc can get me some physical therapy (which, unlike massages would have more coverage under my insurance) for the neck/shoulder issue. I'm also going to go back to seeing the acupuncturist once a week (I'd scaled back to every two weeks). This body, it's cuckoo.

    Today is walking (going to the museum, which I love) and maybe some stretching later. I don't go out on New Years (five years of bar tending completely cured me of this urge).

    Safe and happy new year to you, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    So friends asked me "What are you doing for New Year's Eve?"
    "Going to a yoga class"
    "what are you doing for New Year's Day?"
    "Going to a yoga class"

    So, yeah, we are teetotalers and are more interested in doing 108 sun salutations on New Year's Day than going out New Year's Eve. A friend invited us to dinner, so we get the best of everything - we get to go out without fighting the crowds and will still get home early (she has two young ones).

    Today's plan - double yoga and homework. Still didn't get any done yesterday, grrr. So from 2-4 today, I will be reading yoga books. I also need to take stuff to some non-profit as it's the last day of the year (and we are filling a schedule A this year). I did clean the linen closet - it looks so nice.

    Sun Salutation Eve, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Last day of 2010? Really? Was I asleep all year and missed it? I guess I'm just getting old. I'm pretty sure time goes by faster as I get older.

    Day three of working on cars. It's cold and windy, and the cold front hasn't even gotten here yet, so it's not that much fun outside. We said we'd never work on the Xterra. We'd just take it in to the shop. I think we are seeing why we said that. What a pain. And the work is on the emptier side of the engine compartment. I sure hope the leaks are fixed after this.

    I have a headache and I'm sore and tired = cranky. The house is a mess. Time to make a mess (changing clothes, making meals) and not time to clean up (or energy left). Alex's OT might be coming tonight so I need to get stuff picked up in part of the house.
    That's my cranky post for the day. :tongue: I'll try to cheer up and be in a better mood. Don't want to bring in the New Year with a bad attitude. Although I do plan on being a sleep when it comes in.
    Back to work.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Got to bed around 11pm - up early for the 108. That will be enough exercise for today. I'm a little sore from yesterday's class.

    So here goes my New Year's Resolutions:

    1. Practice yoga a minimal 5x a week, aim for 6x a week, even if it's only 10 minutes.
    2. Goal pose: mayurasana
    3. Slow down on the eating - notice more when I've had enough - when I'm 1/2 full if I'm having dessert
    4. Dessert is once a week at most

    That's enough.

    New Year, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Happy new year!

    Quick post. Day four of working on cars. Steve and I said no complaining today. We are calling each other on it. That keeps us busy. :P Hopefully we will get the car fixed today. We were suppose to go see his parents today. :(
    Goals for 2011? Just one. Move more. That's it. Just get off my bottom more and more often. I might actually be able to keep this one.

    Getting off my duff boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy New Year, pebbs..

    Posted a (slightly terrifying) fitness goal in my blog. I want abstract resolutions (in my revolutions blog post) and concrete ones. I guess part of my goal is to figure out just how hard I can push myself. I think I've been afraid to do that.

    Today is the museum (postponed from yesterday) so some inside walking. It's raining (why not snow? why?) so that's a bummer.

    I confess I'm glad the holidays are finished. I've missed my normal workout routine and just normalcy in general.

    Normalcy (well, mostly) boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    I have missed my normalcy too V. I'll be glad for Monday when I can get back on schedule again and hopefully feeling well enough to get another hard core work out in. It's been at least 6 weeks. I miss it.

    I am posting again to say that the cars are fixed! We had a DUH! moment on the xterra. Seems fine now. And I've also been reminded of my college days: working on cars when it's below freezing out. Yuck. I didn't even do much. DH did most all of it. I'm lazy and I hate the cold. :tongue:
    May go see Steve's parents after all. :happy:
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