Balancing Cardio/Resistance

Hey everyone,
It's been a long time since I've been here. I've been tracking my calories on paper rather than on MFP since I don't always have Wifi available on my phone or access to a computer, and classes have been busy. However, I have managed to eat at least 1200 calories on a more than semi-regular basis, and my appetite has been doing pretty decent which is a huge improvement for me. (I'm anemic and it often destroys my appetite).

Now that I'm beginning to feel hungry again and my metabolism feels like it's starting to function more correctly, I've decided I cannot complete Insanity. Not for physical reasons, but mental reasons. I tried to work it in, and those were the days I skipped which lead to a few weeks of 0 activity. I found it repetetive - though effective, I couldn't manage it mentally. I've often heard the best thing is something you enjoy and will stick to. So, I've decided to focus on biking and calisthenics. My schedule looks like this:
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Resistance: Rows with a bar - aka. hockey stick between chairs lol (can't do pullups yet), pushups and tricep dips. (5 sets of each, 15 reps each in the beginning)
Cardio: 60 minute bike rides (when it snows, I will jump rope)

Sunday: Resistance
Monday: Cardio
Tuesday: Resistance
Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Resistance
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Cardio
- - - - -

I want to lose body fat, though not necessarily pounds directly. Pounds only as a side effect of dropping BF%. I'm not overweight (5'6, 132lbs) but I want to be in shape and look actually healthy again. I don't need to be totally ripped, but I don't want to look completely "average" either.. somewhere in the middle would satisfy me.

I was just curious as to what everyone's opinions were on this, and if this schedule could give some decent results? Once my cardio increases, I'd focus more on 30-35 minute HIIT workouts, but not right away. I'm trying to find something functional, simple and effective that is also enjoyable for me. I realize I sound fussy, but I'm open to any input you have to offer. I'm just very limited due to my living and financial situation.

Any information and opinions would be appreciated!! Thank you! :)


  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    Sorry - can't answer you, I'm not a fitness expert. But well done for all that exercise!
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    I don’t care for cardio, lift heavy things.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I'd recommend adding more to your resistance regime. If you don't have access to a gym and no equipment, there are some good body weight programs out there. You Are Your Own Gym has an app which will guide you through the exercises and reps. To maximise the benefits of resistance training there needs to be progression, which a good program will do. Another recommended program is Convict Conditioning.

    As your primary goal is to decrease BF% then resistance training to preserve lean muscle should be your main focus. If you enjoy cycling then do so by all means, but ensure you are eating enough to fuel this adequately to help your muscles recover. And ensure you are eating a decent amount of protein, again for muscle recovery / preservation.