SAHM 12/27 to 1/2



  • Hi there! I would love to be a part of this group! I am a stay at home mama to 3 wonderful little children! 2 boys and 1 girl! Loving being a mom, but I hate what pregnancy did to my body. I am trying to get back in shape!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Welcome Bethany!

    Can anyone sympathize? I just decided to take the kids to the rec center where they have a "daycare". It's $2/hour/kid. So, for $6/hr I can walk the track. Bonus: An uninterrupted shower all by myself! lol bahahahaha! I've lost my mind!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Kimmiebear~I can completely sympathize! I have not exercised since before Christmas. :( To be able to get in a shower without someone bugging me is like a miracle.

    Welcome Bethany!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Can anyone sympathize? I just decided to take the kids to the rec center where they have a "daycare". It's $2/hour/kid. So, for $6/hr I can walk the track. Bonus: An uninterrupted shower all by myself! lol bahahahaha! I've lost my mind!

    Had a great workout today. 1 hr walking the track at 3 mph. A shower all by myself without interruption. Woo hoo! Definitely worth the $12 for 2 hrs of ME time!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome to all of our newcomers! Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, and is looking forward to a Happy New Year! And maybe a little less stress now that the holidays are winding down! :smile: That's why I haven't been here for so long, just so much to do, and so little time.

    Kimmie~ I can TOTALLY understand how awesome it is to shower by yourself! Good for you for getting out and getting a good walk in!

    Blue~ I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new profile picture, you look so beautiful! Also, hugs to you and for your loved ones.

    You guys, The Man has been on holiday schedule (getting off work at noon) for nearly 3 weeks now. Driving me absolutely bonkers, because as soon as he gets home, he heads right for the PlayStation. And I nearly LOST it (on Christmas Day no less) because I'm making homemade Korean food (not a small task), the girls are supposed to be cleaning their rooms, but they are screaming at each other, I have bulgogi in one pan, mandu in another, paejon in ANOTHER, and The Man is in the den, killing zombies. :explode: Next day he tells me that I'm not budgeting my time well, and that's why I'm getting frustrated. I told him, 'no, I'm getting frustrated, because I've got all this stuff going on and you're sitting on your duff.' Well, he told ME that supervising the kids is MY lane, not his. Grrrrr.

    BUT,there is a happy ending. The past few days he must have had a change of heart, because he has been asking if he can help with anything. I made him out a honey-do list and he really buckled down and got to work on it. :smile:
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I would like to join the group, I'm looking for some support. I'm a sahm to two kids Jonathon 4 and Isabel 2. My idea was to start moday but due to the whole family being sick I haven't worked out and the eating I've done ok with only because I've been too sick to eat much. Though one good thing did come out of being sick I finally gave up my pepsi its been three days since. I can't wait to get to know all of you.
  • So how is everyone doing? Ready for the New Year?
    I have been pretty good with getting in some kind of workout this week, got to the gym on Mon & Tues plus have been hitting the Wii fit! It is actually fun cause the whole family is taking turns working out together & trying to beat each other's scores, even me who is not competitive at all caught myself trying to do better than hubby & DS#1 and getting excited when I did! One more week till hubby is gone for 3 weeks and I start my Slim in 6, kinda of getting excited about starting it although once I have I may change my mind, haha!!
    Opps another one of my guys is awake better get off here and go get him out of his bed, have a great day everyone!!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    hey ladies, i havent worked out in weeks after some illness and christmas and everything its been manic and i've been really lazy!

    I really want to do the C25k because i just started to get into running before the weather turned nasty, however i'm finding it hard to figure out some way of doing it!

    I cant afford to join a gym just yet and there are no free tracks around here, theres a river just near my house which is where i go walking with the kids (and also where i started running) but its not street-lit.

    I could run around the estates around here but i dont feel comfortable doing it - i always worry that i'm gonna meet someone unsavoury - if you know what i mean?

    thing is my husband doesnt get home until gone 7pm most nights and so thats the only time i get to go out and do it!

    i started out by working out on the Wii and using exercise dvds but because i'm getting closer to my target its getting harder to shift the weight, i need to step my game up but without joining the gym my only other option (thats appealing) is running and i dont wanna have to wait until the days get longer!!!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Home~ Way to go on keeping it in. :wink: I would have exploded and told him to get off his lazy butt and help out with the kids (even if he isn't lazy). Glad that he started to help you out more though.

    Welcome Stephanie! Way to go on giving up your pepsi for 3 days that is a big thing.:drinker:

    Christi~ Glad that you are enjoy your Wii fit and that it is a family activity. You are going to have to tell us how you like your slim in 6 dvds.

    Ley~Have you tried bike riding? I LOVE LOVE LOVE bike riding and it BLASTS the fat away. I can't get out and go for a bike ride (snowing here). I so can not wait for spring.

    So do I have a crappy day to share with all of you. It starts out that we are taking our cats in to get spayed and neutered and having to take them about 45 min to get it done (the Vet was having a special for $15/cat can't beat that). We are on the freeway, it snowed last night so the roads are horrible and I was going about 45 mph and this IDIOT is PARKED, yes parked, in the HOV lane (car pool lane for anyone who doesn't know what HOV is) he starts to drive and pulls out into my lane going maybe 20 at the most. I of course try to avoid hitting him or him hitting me BUT nope the guy scrapes the drivers side front which ends up making me hit into a truck on my right side. Well me and the truck pull over to the emergency lane. What does the guy who caused the accident do??? DRIVE AWAY!!! :explode: :explode: :explode: It took over 2 hours to get all the info done and back on our way to the Vet. The good news in all of it is the guy in the truck was throwing a fit that his truck needed to be fixed and so we needed to have a police report well the UHP (Utah highway patrol) did not cite me for the accident because of the evidence on my car that some one clearly hit into me first. THANK GOODNESS!!! Well the guy in the truck not sure where he is going to get his truck fixed because my insurance has already said that they will not pay for it because it was not my fault and I am certainly not paying for it to get fixed. I guess he will have to claim a no insurance thing to get it fixed. Oh and yes everyone is okay and surprisingly my van has minor damage. Which we know is by the grace of Heavenly Father that there was not any more damage done then this.
  • ellensheldon
    ellensheldon Posts: 21 Member
    i would like to join
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Katie-Again, sorry for the confusion, I was pretty tired the day I wrote that and then everything else going on just didn't help.....besides spell checker, they need like a clarification checker, lol.

    Update on my mom-she did NOT have the all the way to Chicago, they had her all prepped for surgery, and one of the surgery drs came in and said her UTI had not gone away, but got worse, so the surgery was canceled and after feeling embarrassed and humiliated, she has decided NOT to do the surgery, which I'm sad about. I'm hoping she'll decide later to do it...she did ask the drs though before leaving if it was an emergency that she have it done, and the dr said no. She could let it go, but better get it done sooner then later....and like I said, for now, she's decided not to have it.

    Home-Thank you. I like my new picture too :) For the first time in years, I think I look pretty good too!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Just checking in with everyone. I am sooooo ready for school to start again. The kids are driving me NUTS!

    Weightloss-wise, I've had a pretty good week/month. For the month and since I started MFP, I'm down 9 lbs. I had hoped to lose 11 by tomorrow, but I'm ecstatic at what I have accomplished in just over a month.

    ** Bluerose, what surgery was your Mom having? Sorry, I haven't been on here long.

    I hope everyone is ready for a great New Year!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Just checking in with everyone. I am sooooo ready for school to start again. The kids are driving me NUTS!

    Weightloss-wise, I've had a pretty good week/month. For the month and since I started MFP, I'm down 9 lbs. I had hoped to lose 11 by tomorrow, but I'm ecstatic at what I have accomplished in just over a month.

    ** Bluerose, what surgery was your Mom having? Sorry, I haven't been on here long.

    I hope everyone is ready for a great New Year!

    Kimmie-She was suppose to have heart surgery. First off, she has a blocked artery (5 years ago it was 50% blocked and they told her back then to do something about it, and she was scared of open heart surgery, her husband got her talked into it, but by the time she was going to get it taken care of, she was taken from work in an ambulance for the beginning stages of a stroke) and now its 98% blocked. Also, she has an aneurysm in her aorta, the drs said they would surgically work on it anything great then 4.5 cms and my mom's is 6 cms....but after having 3 cancellations, she's decided she was not meant to have it done and that this is her calling from God...I'm hoping she changes her mind.

    This is how I"m bringing in my new year:

    ★My New Year’s promise: To keep those who are in my life & care about me for me & someone I’m not & to keep those who are no longer a part of me. They are in my past for a reason. ★ ♥My New Year’s resolutions: (1) To continue my fitness goals and eating healthier (2) To become better with our finances and be financially ready. ♥ ★Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011. I’m ready for a rocking New Year. ★

    Just realized too, I didn't make my goal for the end of 2010, I gained 3.6 lbs (must have been from my over eating when I get overly stressed, since December was a pretty stressful month for me) Time to work off those extra pounds.... :grumble:

    But, here's to a new year with new goals!!!! Cheers!:drinker:
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    Friday was my weigh in day, I was down 4 pound!!!!!!!!!!! 3 of it is weight i gained back over the holidays, but I haven't weighed this much in two years since getting pregnant with my daughter. I feel like its a new start for me, my goal this year is to log in my food. I always start off good, then we I eat something I shouldn't and I quit.
    This is going to be a big year for us, we are in the process of buying our first home. Its a scary and exiciting time for us. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Barb~Oh my goodness how scary is that! I hope that she changes her mind too! If she doesn't the only advice I could give you is turn to the Lord I guess that would even apply if she does. I know that he can help comfort you and help you get through any trial that you go through. :flowerforyou:

    Stephanie~Way to go on the loss! I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks to afraid to. :tongue: The last time I weighed I had gained back 3 pounds. I guess that is what I get for not logging my food consistently and not exercising. I am hoping to change that with a fresh start in a new year.

    So yesterday I had a good cry over something that someone did that I never thought that they would do to me. Wish I could share more than that but I really can't. I talked to them and they admitted that they were in the wrong and the they were sorry. Still really hurt over it though and just wish that it could go away. On to better though we had fun with friends last night playing games until midnight and we allowed our 3 oldest to stay up and watch movies until the new year. Our 3rd oldest fell asleep Daddy tried to wake her up but she was so tired she didn't want to bang on the pots and pans like they planned. The 2 older went out there and banged a few times and then came back in. I think that they were afraid that they would get us in trouble with the police for making too much noise after 10 pm. :laugh: Got to love the way the kids think right?! Also think that I have a UTI so my goal that I think I need to focus on is getting enough water. I really have sucked at drinking water. I am lucky if I get in 1 glass. So instead of worrying too much about my eating I need to form the habit of drinking enough water and that will ultimately help me not eat a ton of food. Well got to get going need to get ready for the day we get the opportunity to clean our church building. Even though I am not one that loves to clean I love to clean the church it is such a great opportunity just really helps you feel closer to Him and feel His love for you and others. Hope you all are having a great 1st day of a New Year and a new you!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    So is anyone making a new years resolution?
    I never have before, always figured I would never keep it so why bother but I am thinking of maybe making one this year.
    yes. this year i'm doing it differently. i am putting together a 101 goals in 1001 days list (got it from a website). i'm not doing it to the letter, cuz some of my things are lifetime goals--like visit the state of Oregon (hiya nicole!).
    anyway, i'm giving it a try.

    last year, i did a list of accomplishments. what did i do in 2009? i listed things from how many miles i walked to finishing x book. i got the idea from somewhere, and i really liked doing it.

    so maybe do that for yourself--see how far you've come in a year's time. :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome to the new ladies! i've been here a long time and can assure you this is a GREAT group of women.

    why am i here so long--b/c i spent 2010 eating a lot of my tension and dropping exercise from the routine. my focus was on other things more than maintaining all the hard work. :ohwell:

    but 2011--HERE I COME! i am much more motivated again and will push thru even when i'm not. and i'll keep tweaking homeschooling so that i have time to exercise and dd2 gets appropriate breaks. we WILL finish first grade--w/smiles. that is my plan!

    happy new year! and to our best year ahead!:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tomorrow i wil put in my real starting point. this is 2011 and i must undo the gain. i don't want to keep riding this roller coaster. this is so NOT me.

    ok, just rambling. hope everyone has enjoyed our first weekend!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~Good idea! I will have to try to remember to weigh myself tomorrow morning. I always forget until after I have eaten. :grumble:

    Well since I have made the goal of getting more water I have been able to get in 7 glasses up from only 1. I know I can get in even more than that but for now I am pleased that I have done that well. I do got to say that I have been using crystal light to get it in but hey I figure it is better than nothing right?!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    SOOOOOO glad school starts back tomorrow!
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