P90X...Who's with me?!

So I officially started doing the P90X on Saturday! Who's up for doing it with me? Today will be day 3. I'm wanting to see some results. We could post what day you are on and how long and how many calories burned.

NAME: Reese
DAY: 1&2
WORKOUT: Chest & Back ; Plyometrics
TIME: about 60 minutes ; 32 minutes


  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    Hi. I am starting this afternoon after work but am doing the Lean version of the program.

    NAME: Dezarae
    WEEK: 1
    DAY: 1
    WORKOUT: I believe Core Synergistics is Day 1 for Lean.
    TIME: don't know
    CALORIES BURNED: don't know
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    WAY TO GO!!! I hope you get the results you are looking for! I know I need to switch up my workout but don't know if I am quite ready for P90X yet.
  • BrandonEspinosa
    I am restarting it tonight as well. Do to injury, I had to quit at Day 45 in the first cycle and just got my shoulder up to were I need it to be to be ready for the intense workout.
    Weigh in : 178.9 Lbs for Day 1
  • BrooksCry
    BrooksCry Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I'm starting this after work today!! I'm so stoked!

    Classic P90X
    NAME: Crystal
    WEEK: 1
    DAY: 1
    WORKOUT: Chest & Back
    TIME: about 60 minutes
    CALORIES BURNED: we will see!
  • chelsiburnett
    I just ordered it yesterday so I won't be able to post this time!!! I am looking forward to it though!!! Good luck!!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I did 3 rounds of P90X//P90X+ in 2009...did other workout programs in 2010. This Thursday I'm starting a 90 day hybrid round of P90X and Turbo Fire. Using strength training/ab workouts from P90X, cardio from Turbo Fire, and a shortish yoga workout from the Tony Horton One-on-One series.
  • JHRSr58
    I'm in week 4 now. Although MyFitnessPal says I've lost 7 pounds I've truthfull lost 17 pounds since 19 Nov 10 as I didn't start MyFitnessPal until after I had been dieting already. I started SOME of the dieting on 19 Nov but I didn't really start the full P90X diet pyramid until 6 Dec 2010. I started after seeing the UNBELIEVABLE results my 28 year-old son had after only 72 days on P90X. He has been "chunky" ever since he turned a teenager, but you should see the muscles and 6-pack stomach he has now. THE PROGRAM WORKS!!! I've already lost from 163 to 146 since 19 Nov (although I didn't really start the program until 23 days ago). But more importantly I'm in much better health now and starting to get much more fit.

    But I want to stress to all that you should REALLY WORK THE PROGRAM. My son failed at first because he did the diet some times and did the work-out some times. He saw only a little weight loss and no added muscle. But once he started over, ate the right foods (primarily tier 1 and 2) every 2 1/2 hours (yes - you heard me right), ate not until full but until not hungry, kept a diary up EVERY DAY (I suggest MyFitnessPal), and did the exercise EVERY DAY (no excuses) ---> THEN HE SAW UNBELIEVABLE RESULTS! AND YOU WILL TOO!!! I'm at work or I would post his YouTube video showing his results. Maybe later I will do so.

    BTW - I'm VERY glad I didn't wait until the first of the year but started P90X during the three holidays. The diet has been the easy part and I don't feel I've missed much. Getting up at 0430 every day to work out before going to work so I'll be working out on an empty stomach as he suggests has been the hardest part. But I love the results I'm already getting for a 52-year old man. I plan on sticking it out for the 90 days unless I get injured. Feel free to check up on me as I believe it helps to have people hold you accountable. Sorry for the length of this post but I really want to encourage others to try it.
  • JHRSr58
    Quick update to provide post for my son's YouTube transformation with P90X. His workout buddy is my grandson. REALLY CUTE!!!

  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    Sorry guys! Haven't been able to do P90X for 2 days :sad: due to sickness. Starting back up tonight on Week 1, Day 3! I will post results!
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    NAME: Reese
    WEEK: 1
    DAY: 3
    WORKOUT: Shoulders & Arms + AbRipper X
    TIME: 42 minutes and 5 minutes
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Congrats on starting P90X. My wife and I completed it back in Feb 2010. We will be start P90X Lean on January 16th as we needed 4 weeks to get in back in shape for it (completing Slim in 6 & couple of Jillian Michael Work-out 2 a days to get back in P90X shape). Good luck and will post back soon as we start. Will also be starting Insanity 15 days after we start P90X (2 a days).
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I did Shoulders & Arms today...really tried to up my weight over previous rounds completed in 2009 (I've been doing other programs in 2010). 20 pound swimmers press is BRUTAL!!!!!! I was pretty wrecked by the end...still need to go walk some dogs and put together a demo video of a fitness challenge for New Year's Day.
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I'm in! I got it for Xmas and didn't want to wait till New Years to start (why bother??)

    Today was Week 1, Day 4 (W1D4) - Yoga X. I wish it burned more calories, but it was a very good yoga workout. No way I'm doing wheel or crow, though! I'll work up to crow eventually maybe.

    I'm still sore from day 1, but this may have helped stretch some of that out a little...a little.

    Looking forward to the stretching DVD on Sunday.
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    Hi! I was able to borrow the DVDs and just started P90X today (lean). I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with it once school starts back in a couple weeks, but I'll try my best! All I have are 5 lb hand weights and my fiance's 20lb kettleball, but I could probably use my cats if need be... They're a good 8, 10, and 12 lbs! :laugh:

    The Core Synergistics had some pretty tough parts, and some relatively easy parts. Is it normal to be able to do the banana roll perfectly on all but 1 side??? For some reason I can't do it while lying on my left side. Weird... Couldn't do the similar move in the Ab Ripper as well. At all. Either I'm more uncoordinated than I thought or extremely weak in my right obliques... :ohwell:
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    Quick update to provide post for my son's YouTube transformation with P90X. His workout buddy is my grandson. REALLY CUTE!!!


    Bwahaha! The Mason twists with your grandson was priceless! :laugh:
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81
    P90X Lean W1D2 - Cardio X
    Oh man... I'm so sore from Core Synergistics and ARX yesterday!!! But I did everything on Cardio X except for those banana and Dreya rolls! Yay! Tomorrow is Shoulders and Arms, so hopefully my meager dumbbells will be up to the challenge...
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    P90X Lean W1D2 - Cardio X
    Oh man... I'm so sore from Core Synergistics and ARX yesterday!!! But I did everything on Cardio X except for those banana and Dreya rolls! Yay! Tomorrow is Shoulders and Arms, so hopefully my meager dumbbells will be up to the challenge...

    Wait till you do ARX while still sore from the last time you did ARX! I'll be doing it for a 3rd time today (legs&back)...still sore!!! :sad:
    It's challenging, and it hurts, but its a GOOD kinda pain :devil:

    Regarding available weights....buying hand weights every time you need to increase would get very expensive. But a full set of resistance tubes with multiple colors can be had for about $20. That takes care of increasing weight since your 5# and 10# can be used together to make 15, etc. Plus, it can be used for the chin up bar exercises (make sure the set has a door attachment - which is just a nylon strap with a stop at the end).
  • wocm15
    wocm15 Posts: 81

    Regarding available weights....buying hand weights every time you need to increase would get very expensive. But a full set of resistance tubes with multiple colors can be had for about $20. That takes care of increasing weight since your 5# and 10# can be used together to make 15, etc. Plus, it can be used for the chin up bar exercises (make sure the set has a door attachment - which is just a nylon strap with a stop at the end).

    That would definitely be a better solution than using my assortment of cats... :bigsmile: Where would you recommend getting them. I've heard the Walmart variety tend to snap and hit you in the face. Ouch...
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    The resistance bands at Walmart are crap. Sports Authority has a great assortment, plus a handle that holds three bands at a time (for back). There is a site by Bodylastics that you can look up. Their bands are great and the site has a video that shows you how to use their bands with the P90X program.
  • blakgarnet
    I started week 4 3 days ago (did a day or cardio and a day of yoga - slightly off schedule due to time restraints. Yesterday during yoga I started to feel nauseous and it just got worse throughout the day. Icame down with a stomach bug (it's going around my office) but have been feeling better today, so hopefully back on track tomorrow. Thanks for the advice on the bands - I have a set from my BF's parents and I've already been hit once!