1 year on MFP and 83 lbs gone - never to be seen again...

Today I am celebrating logging onto MFP for one whole year! And what a year it has been. I have lost 35-40 kg (77-88lbs) twice before in the last decade but managed to regain these. Twice.

You have to be in the right frame of mind to go on a weight loss journey. You know you’re big, you know you ought to lose weight, but if your head is not in the right place, it just won’t happen or you just won’t maintain.

My coping mechanism for stress has always been eating. I was slightly bigger than other children at school but not huge as I’ve always been sporty and active. When I became an adult and left home, I discovered a new freedom to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Food at home with my parents had always been very controlled.

In 2013 things changed. I had a 2 ½ year old and a 9 month old when my husband was critically ill with leukaemia. His organs were starting to fail and doctors prepared me that either the cancer or the chemo therapy could kill him. Against all odds, he fought and won! He has been in remission ever since. As you can imagine, I put on an awful lot of weight last year when dealing with the situation of him being so poorly and being in hospital (on and off) for 5 months and functioning as a single parent to 2 young children.

My husband came out of hospital in August and I decided that I needed to get healthy. There is still a big risk of a relapse for him. I needed to be there for him and for my children. If I keep eating and putting on weight, there are just too many risks to my health. The fear of my children only having one or even no parents kick-started my mission to health and weight loss.

I started running again which had helped me lose weight before. I completed C25k to get me started and build up my stamina. I started using MFP to log everything I eat. It has been an eye opener. You think you know what’s good and what’s bad for you but I have to say I have learnt a lot about food and I now make more sensible food choices. If offered cake or a takeaway I consider whether or not it is worth me having that or if I should have a smaller portion or just enjoy it. I have not deprived myself of anything, but I try and eat less and try and stay within my daily allowance. Plus I just move a lot more.

Of course I have had overindulgent days – and that’s ok. That’s life. As long as I get back on track again, that’s great. I have tried to see this journey not as a quick fix to lose weight but to teach myself new habits and coping strategies. I surprise myself nowadays that when stressed I crave a run rather than food. I am pleased that I have managed a whole year already as it takes a couple of years to form new habits but I feel like I am on my way.

I still have about 20kg (44lbs) to lose to goal weight but I am really convinced that I will make it there this time. Then I will just have to learn to maintain as I have never maintained. I’ve only ever lost or gained.

If you want to see some pictures, click here (sorry, I couldn’t work out how to paste a link into my post. If anybody can help, please feel free…): https://www.flickr.com/photos/97614554@N06/


  • So great hearing of your success! Keep it up.
  • mucirl
    mucirl Posts: 17 Member
    Well done you have a very healthy attitute to your weight loss. Keep going I would love to be as far into my journey as you
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    Great job! Your approach sounds very sensible and you've achieved excellent results already!
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    You look great!!! Congratulations on your new healthy life :)
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Such great work! Well done, you look fab.
  • hyg99
    hyg99 Posts: 354 Member
    Well done
  • Well done ... You should be very proud of yourself :-)
  • purple817
    purple817 Posts: 25 Member
    You are an inspiration and you look so different every time i see you - whenever I am caving in or eating the wrong things you are always positive.

    It's amazing how far you have come and how quickly

    You will achieve your goal and not only will you be happier and thinner but you will have won the ongoing battle that most of us have with food, weight and self esteem. You have done all this work for you and your family and thats the most amazing thing ever

  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    Great job, you've done well.
  • nzchikky
    nzchikky Posts: 304 Member
    Very inspiring. You look great :)
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Great work!!!!
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    Wonderful progress on all fronts. Wishing you and your husband many decades of healthy happy life together.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • beautifuldisasta
    beautifuldisasta Posts: 89 Member
    Wow, what a difference, go you!! I'm at the very start of my journey but its lovely to see success stories like yours! Its very motivating :) Congrats!!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Very moving story, so glad it turned out this way for you, excellent job. And one year on MFP, that alone is a great feat. You are an inspiration, thanks for sharing!:flowerforyou:
  • mizroxy13
    mizroxy13 Posts: 466 Member
    To your health and happiness!
  • Bluuzplayer
    Bluuzplayer Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats to you and all the best to your husband on his continued good health!
  • Laurab416
    Laurab416 Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations! Health and happiness to you and your family.
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    great success, and so glad your hubby is doing well!!
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    Great job!
  • Congrats - well done! You are really an inspiration :smile:
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