
Im not really new to the site but i have always used the app on my phone rather than online. recently ive been having trouble beating the cravings and ive started to snack out of boredom. which really bothers me because for so long i was doing so well. in may of 2009 i was at my highest of 210 and i got down to my lowest of 155 in september. but steadily i have been creeping back up and im now at 165.

my ultimate goal is to average about 130. and right now the late night eating and snacking when bored is defeating me.


  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Is there something you like to do with your hands (to keep them out of your mouth)? I sometimes knit, albeit badly. My husband and I "close down" the kitchen after a certain time. We just clean up everything and try not to go there at night. Easier said than done. I also force him to do ab work during commercials and things. He laughs at me, but you can really add up a few extra minutes. I'm a big reader, so I don't get too bored. Also, I read in one of my magazines about the 10 second rule. Sounds corny, but it really works: Ask yourself why you are eating. That 10 second pause is often enough to keep you from mindlessly chowing down.
  • LanakilaGirl
    LanakilaGirl Posts: 41 Member
    I tend to have the same problem. I get snacky very easily. I like to stretch at night before I go to bed. When I start feeling snacky I just get down on the floor. Then it's to big of a pain to get back up to raid the kitchen and I just start stretching and I ALWAYS feel so much better after. It always takes away my urges to snack, I find that it's just up to me to take that step.