desk job!

Hello everyone! This is the first time im using MFP properly. I did join last summer to get in shape for my wedding but my dad got cancer and we lost him so I didn't care about anything else.
Photos from my hen night surfaced and I was mortified, but with only 2 weeks to go til the wedding and my dress already alterred there was nothing I could do. Luckily my dress was the kind that laced at the back like a corset so it slimmed me down :)
Now here I am, fed up with feeling rubbish and sluggish. I have PCOS so I'm guessing weight loss will help ease this and make baby making easier. We aren't trying just yet but in a couple of years we will and I want to be in best of health for this.
I can't eat a lot of fruit as its a trigger for my IBS which is a shame as I love fruit smoothies and I can eat grapes like sweets.
I did begin my weight loss on August 1st and lost 4 pounds in my first two weeks but, an IBS flare up saw me eating safe foods then forgetting about the diet and I gained 2 pounds back.
Now I'm back with vengence and hell bent on shedding my excess pounds and becoming healthier. I'm on day 5 of 30 day shred and hope to start couch to 5k at the weekend as I'm finding the shred teedious. I don't calorie count but I eat three healthy meals a day and 2 snacks in between and sometimes a light supper of 3 crisp breads with marmite. I aim for 2 litres of water per day and I'm loving green tea.
My problem is I have a desk job so I'm sat down for 8 hours a day. On breaks and lunch I take the stairs to the canteen rather than the lift but it's not enough. I work 12pm to 8pm so I'm fortunate I get all morning to work out but it leaves my eating pattern a bit awol.
Heres an example.....10am breakfast after exercise (omelette or oatmeal). 1:40pm Lunch on my 10 min break salad or a sarnie on wholemeal bread and a cuppa soup. Dinner 5pm something reheated like chilli, spag bol or a jacket potato with tuna from the canteen at work. Then I'm home for 9:15pm feeling a bit peckish but i try to ignore it and drink tea instead.
Is this a good daily eating routine or should I mix it up a bit?


  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    I would suggest if you can making dinner at home and taking it into work if you have a microwave, it's just that at least then you know what's in it and there isn't any crap in it.

    I batch cook stuff for lunch freeze it until I need it.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi :)

    I'm not going to touch on the food issue, as I believe what works for one person, may not for another.

    But I am going to say, the shred is tedious, but it works like crazy. keep it up and you'll notice results.

    Also, I just finished the C25k this week, a feat which I never, in my wildest dream, thought I'd do. And if my big butt can do CAN YOU!! Go go!!

    Good luck!!
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Calling yourself fat bride makes me a bit sad, I expect you were in fact a beautiful bride. What about giving yourself a break and changing your name to something more positive? Curvy bride? Getting fit bride? Lacey bride? Grape loving bride? Lol
    Anyway, those were just a few suggestions.
    The regular forum posters will tell you to calorie count and to weigh all of your food, they are right.
    Best of luck to you :)
  • Yes I do cook and freeze ahead, my usual meals are spagettie bolonese, chilli with brown rice, chicken and red lentil curry (weight watchers recipe) chicken casserol with those microwave veg in a bag from birdseye.....I run out of ideas and get bored easily with food. I re heat them in work too.
    I don't buy canteen food often but when i do the jacket potato and tuna are the only healthiest thing they serve lol!
  • I like my nickname to be honest. T
    It was how I was feeling at the time I joined haha!
  • fruitsalad15
    fruitsalad15 Posts: 102 Member
    I have recently got married and when I saw the pictures I was pretty mortified! These are supposed to the best pictures of me . . . . EVER . . . right? Nope! I refuse to believe that's the best I can look!

    I personally, would weigh and measure, its worked for me before (I lost nearly 2 stone here before I had my baby). I listen to the Jillian Michaels podcast and in one she said that the time of day you eat isn't really important as long as you are in a calorie deficit. What I mean is that some people really slate eating late at night but if you work shifts it can't be helped, as long as its not an EXTRA meal late at night you are all good!

    You seem to be making the right steps though, small stuff makes the difference!

    Keep going and good luck!
  • milla1985
    milla1985 Posts: 153 Member
    Hello and welcome back!

    A bit like you, I have dabbled in MFP over the years but made a conscious effort a few months ago to really take it seriously. The excess pounds are coming off sloooooooooooooowly but at least the scales are going in the right direction for once.

    Also like you, I have a desk job that messes with my meal timings (even though I start at a normal time, I have long days so don't get home until 8.30pm and have no cooking facilties at work to eat before then). What I found helpful was to pre-plan everything, invest in some tupperware and try to avoid eating anything that I hadn't prepared myself or which I knew had a defined calorie count. The problem with work canteens (I used to have one) is that you can't really know how things are cooked and how much is in each portion.

    Really boring, I know, but just keep plugging on. We are always here to provide support!
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    I like my nickname to be honest. T
    It was how I was feeling at the time I joined haha!

    newwifeaged28 that's better :)
  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    We found taking the stairs on our break and go up and down as many can.. good work out.
  • Hia,
    I have found that packing my lunch is the best thing I can do for myself :) I also sit all day at a desk job. I drive 1 hour to work and 8 hours in a chair and then 1 hour drive home needless to say. I have a hard time finding exercise time. so I make sure I pack veggies in snack bags and a frozen bottle of water (Hint: I put a slice of fruit in it before I freeze it ). I do get an hour for lunch and am surrounded by fast food which was a huge problem. but I am saving my lunch money that I use to spend for a weekend trip :) i hope you have great success this time we are all here for the same reason :D