New, Nervous, and really bad at this!!

jmgodish24 Posts: 12
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I'll start by explaining. When I graduated, I was 170. I'm 5'8, so that's average for my height and build. When I met my husband, I was 175. Theeeeen I got pregnant. I'm not in a desk job with a 9 month old at home, and 250. I feel disgusting, not just visually, but physically. My wieght has started affecting my health and I'm not quite who I once was, I just have no confidance at all in myself. I have support, but eating unhealthy is so much more convinient, so any time I've tried, I failed. I'm hoping this time around things go different.
I'm trying to do it better this time. I have both a weight goal and a time goal, a fitness plan, and (now that the little one is more independent), time!


  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    you've come to the right place good luck
  • I feel ya! You can do this. :)
  • manleyzoo
    manleyzoo Posts: 113 Member
    I am new here and feel pretty much the same way you do. My husband says he loves me for me, not weight, but I know he would love to see the smaller girl he met 29 years ago. I know, I will never be like I was at 17 but I could be a lot smaller than I am now. We can do this you know!!!!
  • Today is a new day and the first day to changing how you feel. "Doing" is waaaay better than just sitting around feeling bad.

    I'm a big believer of what you feel about is what you bring about. So while the change might start slow- it's a change to something better. Stay glued to this kind of conversation on here and when your'e feeling the kick of craving just talk it out on this message board.

    That's my plan at least. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • jasoe
    jasoe Posts: 15 Member
    Good for are on the right track!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I felt like this after baby number 2. When you are busy it is so much easier to grab a burger or a chocolate bar and the weight seems to creep up on you. You can totally do this though, and you have come to the right place for support and motivation. I have lost some weight since using this site and if I can anyone can, trust me. Goood luck on your weightloss journey, feel free to add me if you like :)
  • Success will build confidence. Don't give up on yourself.

    I'll share a few things I've modified in my life to help me move in the right direction again.

    1. Beverages: Unless it's skim milk anything I drink has to be ZERO calories.

    2. Fructose: I have eliminated it from my diet unless it is regular sugar which is a combination of glucose/fructose. Excessive amounts of fructose is EXTREMELY unhealthy. If the ingredients list corn syrup, corn sugar, high fructose corn syrup etc. I dont eat it. Fructose does not suppress your appetite nor does it cause an insulin response. Only glucose does that. So grocery shop smart!

    3. Join your local YMCA! Sign up for the goup exercise classes! Zumba, spinning, cardio kick or whatever they call it. Almost all YMCAs have child care during certain hours. I have 3 boys and I don't let that hold me back.

    Hope this helps!
  • WOW, Thanks guys! So much support!! I can already tell this community will make this much easier. I'll sign up for a fitness class in the near future, I think.
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    I just sent a friend request! This is THE BEST place for support. I don't even log food or track my weight loss here, I do that through my gym. I come here soley for the unbelievable amount of motivation and encouragement. Not to mention, since most of us don't live near each other it is a very freeing experience to talk about things that you normally would keep to yourself in your everyday life. I hope you find it successful :flowerforyou:
  • Success will build confidence. Don't give up on yourself.

    I'll share a few things I've modified in my life to help me move in the right direction again.

    1. Beverages: Unless it's skim milk anything I drink has to be ZERO calories.

    2. Fructose: I have eliminated it from my diet unless it is regular sugar which is a combination of glucose/fructose. Excessive amounts of fructose is EXTREMELY unhealthy. If the ingredients list corn syrup, corn sugar, high fructose corn syrup etc. I dont eat it. Fructose does not suppress your appetite nor does it cause an insulin response. Only glucose does that. So grocery shop smart!

    3. Join your local YMCA! Sign up for the goup exercise classes! Zumba, spinning, cardio kick or whatever they call it. Almost all YMCAs have child care during certain hours. I have 3 boys and I don't let that hold me back.

    Hope this helps!

    This is awesome advice.
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    You have definitely come to the right can do this. Start of small and be consistent and you will see results. Please add me as a friend if you like for additional support along the way. We are all here for you!
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