Unintentionally gaining weight doing PiYo


I've been through almost 6 weeks of PiYo (the beachbody program), so I'm approaching the end of it. However, I have gained about 5 lbs since starting this program! I've actually decreased my daily calorie intake by about 100 cals per day (from around 1900 to 1800). I also do other workouts several times per week in addition to PiYo, including running, HIIT, and strength training. I'm so discouraged by gaining weight from PiYo. I am generally in maintenance mode, but after this, would like to drop a few lbs and get back to my lower weight. I really don't think I'm gaining muscle mass from PiYo, which makes me think it really is fat gain. I do indulge with the occasional treat meal about once a week, but I've been doing that for over a year without gaining weight from it. Any thoughts?


  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    I think you're blaming the wrong thing.

    How on earth do you know for sure that PiYo made you gain weight?

    If you're gaining weight, you're eating too much. It could be that your entries are off in your food or exercise or that you need to adjust your calories lower.
  • whit291
    whit291 Posts: 18 Member
    I see what you mean, but I had been eating more calories than what I am now for over a year and was continuing to lose weight. I think my weight gain is related to PiYo because it doesn't burn nearly as many calories as my previous workout routines. I'm considering quitting PiYo and just focusing on running, HIIT, and strength training so that I can increase my calorie burn back to a higher level.
  • It couldn't hurt to go back to running, HIIT, and strength training for awhile and see what happens.
  • pauldoxsee
    pauldoxsee Posts: 93 Member
    PiYo is a strength building program that can increase your lean mass and weight. This is not a bad thing. I think I'd try to get a handle on what is really happening with your BF before concluding that anything bad is happening to you. The Aria scale or a pair of calipers can be very informative about Body Fat trends
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Do you take measurements?? You could be loosing inches(fat) but gaining muscles which is all around heavier. But better : )