Leg Pain/Burning

Hey everyone. Needing some help/advice. I've recently started walking and the sides of my legs (right above ankles) BURN! It is very painful to keep walking. And then is sore the entire day after walking. Is even sore/tender to touch/rub. I've been doing some stretches and that seems to help a bit, but I have never experienced this before. It's not my calves. It's the outside of my legs by ankles. But not my ankles. If that makes any sense lol. Any suggestions on how to prevent this from happening all the time? Thanks!


  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    Could be your shoes. But it would be best to be evaluated by a doctor for pain that impedes your ability to walk.
  • CountryGal83
    CountryGal83 Posts: 640 Member
    Ok, thanks!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Yes, your shoes or your gait could be aggravating something. When I sprained an ankle, in my recovery, the inside of my ankle started to hurt/burn. The reason is that my foot was turning slightly and it would aggravate the tendon on the side that was burning because of the way I compensated for the injury.

    Go to the doc or sports medicine doc to see if this is your problem. Or you could check out the orthopedic doctor and see if you need shoe inserts, but ultimately, you need a doctor to check out your pain.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Sometimes your calves become really tight, especially if you are walking in shoes that aren't suited to walking long distances. My calf tightness results in sore ankles and impeded ankle mobility a lot of the time. Try looking into foam rolling as a way of working out the kinks. Here's a good article to get you started.

  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Agree you should see a doctor. Sounds like an overuse injury like shin splints.
  • clegare05
    clegare05 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the exact same problem, and went to my doctor. She told me it was most likely my shoes, and to try orthotics. I went to Walgreens and used the Dr. Scholl's machine, and got the perfect fit for my feet, and the pain is gone when I walk.... check it out!