Dining Out/Going Out (Alcohol)

What do you choose to eat when you dine out? I know they say you should eliminate or cut down on alcohol, but what do you order when you are enjoying a night out?


  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I really have significantly cut down on alcohol, because in addition to the added calories, it reduces the impact of your workouts and muscle development. That being said, I do on occasion still enjoy a drink or two. I usually drink a light beer, like a Bud Light or a Miller Light. If you're a fan of hard liquor, mix anything with diet or tonic water and you should be keeping your calories to a minimum,
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    For drinks you could ask for a captin and diet coke. Anything with juices or regular soda really packs on the calories. At home, and with friends at houses and all, I always drink vodka with crystal light, or rum and crystal light. Vodka is about 70 calories a shot, so that helps cut down on calories as well.

    Also, I don't eat meat, so I always opt for a salad, with the dressing on the side. Then, I dip my fork into the salad dressing to just get a little, and use a lot less dressing. Also, every bite gets a little dressing!

    Good luck!
  • ckaczmar
    Look at the research on line regarding fat burning and alcohol. You can Google it and see what it has to say. What I read was that it reduces your ability to burn fat by 75% for 24 hours! That is huge and frankly rarely worth the loss for me. They used vodka and sugarfree lemonaid in the study so it was very low carb and calorie, yet very significant in regards to fat burning. Just something to think about :)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I tend to drink a glass of wine or a long island iced tea made with diet pop.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    Look at the research on line regarding fat burning and alcohol. You can Google it and see what it has to say. What I read was that it reduces your ability to burn fat by 75% for 24 hours! That is huge and frankly rarely worth the loss for me. They used vodka and sugarfree lemonaid in the study so it was very low carb and calorie, yet very significant in regards to fat burning. Just something to think about :)

    Holy crap. That's scary. I did some googling to check out your claim and it seems legit. I've heavily reduced alcohol, but it may be time to entirely cut it out of my diet (well at least with the exception of NYE). I don't enjoy it that much to hold back all the hard work I'm doing.
  • ckaczmar
    Yep it surprised me when I read it. But I was stuck on my weight loss and not moving for 3 months and a gal at the gym told me about it so I checked it out and changed my habits. Once I did I started dropping weight regularly. So now I really think about it before I enjoy a glass of wine. Do I want to not have the fat burn for 24 hours or is it worth it. Once you stabilize your weight loss an occasional treat I think would be OK. All I know is I have worked to hard to get where I am to blow out my fat burning on a regualr bases.