Losing weight before trying to get pregnant!

I am trying to lost about 35 more pounds before my husband and I try to get pregnant! I'm so excited to start trying! I love spending time with my 3 nieces and my best friend's 4 year old boy and I've had horrible baby fever ever since I got married. I'm finally in a place where I have a job that I could come back to after having a baby (part time, know the schedule months in advance) and I'm living near my parents, who are retired. It's a great time in our lives to try, except... I'M OBESE! I'm scared that my weight would affect the baby's health or mine if I tried to get pregnant now. I'm trying to lose the 35ish pounds to get a little out of the "obese" BMI category before trying to get pregnant. Then I'm sure it'll take a few months and I'll continue my weight loss until I conceive! I'm hoping that by getting into healthy habits now that it'll be easier to teach a child healthy eating and hopefully it'll be easier to lose the baby weight after!

Anyone else doing this right now? Or have any tips for getting healthy for motherhood? :)


  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I have about 50-60 lbs to lose before my hubby and I start trying for our first baby. I've lost 15 so far. :) Our goal is November 2015. Is it weird that I'm feeling more motivated to lose weight for someone else (future baby) than I ever have about losing weight for myself? Lol.

    Add me as a friend If you'd like.
  • helpimfalling
    I'm in the same boat. I have about 50-60 lbs to lose before my hubby and I start trying for our first baby. I've lost 15 so far. :) Our goal is November 2015. Is it weird that I'm feeling more motivated to lose weight for someone else (future baby) than I ever have about losing weight for myself? Lol.

    Add me as a friend If you'd like.

    EXACTLY! I've only been at it a couple weeks but this is definitely more focused that I've ever been toward my health. Weird. :)
  • UghLorUgh
    UghLorUgh Posts: 12 Member
    Me too! I've never been more motivated to lose weight until the hubby and I decided we wanted to have a baby. I am also 50 lbs. from where I want to be before we try. I'm so excited about what is to come and every time I get discouraged I try to think of my future little one.

    Hang in there, ladies! We can do this. :smile:
  • GCanha
    GCanha Posts: 66 Member
    Hi- without knowing how "Obese" you are, it's difficult to give you advice.

    I was "Obese" before getting pregnant with both my daughters. During pregnancy was the only time in my life when I couldn't seem to gain any weight. I had morning sickness that lasted all day- and through half of each preganncy- so I had a very hard time eating at all- and keeping it down. I only gained 21 lbs with my first daughter and 19 lbs with the second one.

    I focused on eating as healthy as I could. Even though I struggled to gain weight, both my daughters were close to 9 lbs each (and the second one was born 4 weeks early!) I also focused on staying active.

    If you and your husband want to get pregnant- I suggest you speak to your doctor first and get their advice.

    It's great that you have a motivation to lose weight- but I think you should focus on doing this for yourself- otherwise, you might have a hard time sustaining after the baby. Start developing healthy habits that you can sustain during and after the pregnancy as well.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I am also trying to get out of the obese category before trying for my second baby - my first daughter was stillborn in January and I know it had nothing to do with my obesity, but I know that I want to be as healthy as possible before trying again. Plus I definitely am still grieving so eating well, exercising and self-care are definitely what I need to be focusing on right now (even though I am desperate to be pregnant again, and also have super strong pangs of overwhelming baby-fever).

    As for tips, the only thing I can advise is that you start a prenatal vitamin sooner rather than later - you'll want the folate and nutrients in your body before conception happens, so in case you fall pregnant earlier than planned or on the first month of trying, you will be covered.

    I have 40lbs to go until I'm out of the obese AND overweight categories and into a 'healthy' BMI range, so that is my goal :) feel free to add me.
  • tweedledee16
    tweedledee16 Posts: 58 Member
    I was around 265 lbs when I got pregnant with my son. I had a rough pregnancy because of my weight, had gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia which caused me to deliver 6 weeks early, in a very very very uncomfortable state - physically and mentally! My little boy was fine after 18 days in the NICU. Anyway, my husband and I have been having the discussion of another child over the last year, and this has been my main motivator to lose weight. It is strange that it's so much more motivating to have that goal in mind, but it works. And I know I'm in a much better place, weightwise for my next pregnancy, whenever we decide to start trying. Best of luck with you. All the advice I can give is to eat lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, small meals, and exercise regularly. This does a lot to prepare your body for baby! :) Good luck! so exciting!
  • SpectacuLaura
    SpectacuLaura Posts: 144 Member
    I'm doing the same thing! I have about 35lbs to lose and my husband and I aren't trying to get pregnant ....but we're also not "not" trying. Just going to see what happens and try and drop as much weight as possible in the meantime. Definitely a different kind of motivation from all the other times I tried to lose weight. Send me a friend request if you'd like! I'm always looking for like-minded awesome people on here to add to my support group.
  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    I think that that is one best goals that you can work toward! I will tell you that was how I quit smoking 6 years ago. After two miscarriages (I always quit when I found out), I quit smoking cold turkey, got pregnant with my daughter and carried her full term. Well, almost, but that's another story. The healthier that you are, the healthier your baby will be. Good luck and enjoy your goal!
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    Good luck with the baby making!

    My advice, get on a program and stick to it, to include once you get knockered up :) I am obese myself, and what is working for me is weighing my food. I can see my body changing!
  • helpimfalling
    Hi- without knowing how "Obese" you are, it's difficult to give you advice.

    I was "Obese" before getting pregnant with both my daughters. During pregnancy was the only time in my life when I couldn't seem to gain any weight. I had morning sickness that lasted all day- and through half of each preganncy- so I had a very hard time eating at all- and keeping it down. I only gained 21 lbs with my first daughter and 19 lbs with the second one.

    I focused on eating as healthy as I could. Even though I struggled to gain weight, both my daughters were close to 9 lbs each (and the second one was born 4 weeks early!) I also focused on staying active.

    If you and your husband want to get pregnant- I suggest you speak to your doctor first and get their advice.

    It's great that you have a motivation to lose weight- but I think you should focus on doing this for yourself- otherwise, you might have a hard time sustaining after the baby. Start developing healthy habits that you can sustain during and after the pregnancy as well.

    I should have mentioned I have appointments with my doctor in a couple weeks and with the OBGYN in 2 months (I scheduled back in July, but it's really hard to get in). I'm just trying to get some advice and encouragement in the meantime, since it takes so long to get appointments with either. Thanks for your concern!

    I am 205. 175ish would be no longer "obese" by BMI. I know BMI is not the best thing to trust, but it's about all I've got. At 165 a while back, I was teaching dance classes, running, and was generally much healthier, so I want to get back to that point and re-evaluate before trying to conceive.
  • tag624
    tag624 Posts: 166 Member
    Not trying to be rude, but if you are just now motivated to lose weight to have a baby and not really for yourself then what is going to make you keep the weight off?
  • independant2406
    independant2406 Posts: 447 Member
    Any reason/motivator to lose weight is a good reason when you weigh as much as I do. I'm 100lbs heavier than I "should be" For me,weight has been a struggle my entire life. A constant battle of ups and downs and bad habits I acquired from my family members before I even started elementary school (emotional eating etc.)

    No matter what anyone says - losing weight so my baby will be healthy, and so that I can be a better mom to teach them a better lifestyle as they grow up is a fantastic goal. What is wrong with wanting your children to have a chance at a healthy life and a healthy mom (something I didn't personally have)?

    I understand some people might feel motivation to stay fit will drop after the baby is born... and maybe that is true... but isn't it a good idea to give it your best shot anyway? No one tells someone not to try to quit smoking before their pregnancy because they might not stick with it later... that's not the point! Also, babies don't just disappear after the pregnancy...they will continue to motivate (or exhaust... lol) you for a long time in the future.
  • helpimfalling
    Not trying to be rude, but if you are just now motivated to lose weight to have a baby and not really for yourself then what is going to make you keep the weight off?

    Also not trying to be rude back, but you don't know every reason I have for losing weight. A baby is NOT the only one. I'll continue towards goals of health even after having a baby. I'm reaching out with that reason to try to find like-minded people who are in a similar place and mindset in their weight loss. Thanks for your concern.
  • helpimfalling
    Thank you to the rest of you for the motivation and the friend requests from awesome, supportive people! That's exactly what I need right now.
  • CassieR6
    CassieR6 Posts: 280 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am trying to loose about 40lbs before we start trying. It will be his first my second. We want a baby so bad but I as well think its smarter if I am in shape not only health wise but so I don't have 40lbs plus baby weight to loose after! :flowerforyou:
  • Kiki829
    Kiki829 Posts: 60 Member
    Each time I have been pregnant, I have been in the "Obese" category. I am very lucky that I am a healthy "obese" person, even while pregnant. I have no problems with BP, my cholesterol is fabulous, all my bloodwork is always excellent. Even birth goes very easily for me. The nurses actually told me this last time that I am built for having babies, lol. However, I am losing weight right now so I can get back to the old athlete in me, and I would love to have one more when I am actually thin so I can be a cute pregnant person and see how I look being pregnant and thin. It's an exciting prospect, but not my main motivator right now. Good luck ladies!! You can do it!!
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I was overweight, almost obese, when I got pregnant with my first (187 at 5'6.5"), and still ended up gaining 60 pounds by eating everything in sight, topping out at 248 the day I had my son. My only advice would be: DON'T DO WHAT I DID! Lol.

    But seriously, I was lucky to have a very easy pregnancy despite being so incredibly overweight. I weigh less than I did when I got pregnant with #1 (175ish), although I'm still overweight. I'd be ok with getting pregnant with #2 now, but honestly I'd like to be about 15 pounds lighter before I do, because I now know how unbelieveably difficult it is to lose the weight AFTER the baby comes. I'd also like to know what pregnancy feels like at a healthy weight. Feel free to add me if you'd like :). I'm here every day.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    Future babies is one of the reasons I'm losing weight too. I am morbidly obese (only about 30 pounds away from just obese) I know that getting my weight down will help a lot with fertility and pregnancy. We are still a few years away from TTC, but it would be great to start pregnancy as a healthy person, especially compared to my current morbid obese stage. And it will be great to be at a healthy weight after babies too, more energy, and better chances or actually being able to be there for everything with them, I'd hate to miss out on running around a playground with my future kids because I'm too fat or sore to get off a bench and play with them.

    Good luck!
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,520 Member
    I was 190lbs when I got pregnant with my first, 286 with the second, around the same with the third, and 220 with the fourth. I have four healthy, strong, bright, perfectly normal children. They are 14, nearly 12, nearly 11 and 9. I never suffered from gestational diabetes (and in fact when I had my A1C done a few weeks ago at 317 lbs, it was 4.7, or near perfect) and other than my gallbladder going down during the 4th pregnancy (30 weeks), my weight cause absolutely no difficulties to conceiving, carrying or birthing my horde.

    Losing weight before you conceive can't hurt, but being obese while pregnant is no sort of death knell.
  • helpimfalling
    I was 190lbs when I got pregnant with my first, 286 with the second, around the same with the third, and 220 with the fourth. I have four healthy, strong, bright, perfectly normal children. They are 14, nearly 12, nearly 11 and 9. I never suffered from gestational diabetes (and in fact when I had my A1C done a few weeks ago at 317 lbs, it was 4.7, or near perfect) and other than my gallbladder going down during the 4th pregnancy (30 weeks), my weight cause absolutely no difficulties to conceiving, carrying or birthing my horde.

    Losing weight before you conceive can't hurt, but being obese while pregnant is no sort of death knell.

    Definitely! I know plenty of people who have had babies at many different weights and have healthy babies. I'd just rather be safe than sorry. :)