Help! How to figure out juicing calories???

I've recently started a juice fast and I'm having a helluva time figuring out calories? Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks!


  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Why a juice fast may I ask?

    I'm not sure how to calculate the calories because you are not consuming the fruit/veg itself, but if all you are consuming is 4-6 what I assume ar 14-16oz glasses of juice a day I can tell you that you will come under your calorie limit a day... you will also feel tired, have headaches, be hungry, grumpy, and poop a lot.

    EDIT: I think juicing is great btw, for like breakfast or something. It's a great punch of nutrients without a lot of calories or chewing (I'm not a fan of chewing a lot in the morning lol), I just dont think juice fasting is really that benificial.
  • abromba
    abromba Posts: 1 Member
    Here is a good website I found and have been using to calculate my juicing recipe calories:
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    It's a great punch of nutrients without a lot of calories

    I'd say it's the opposite.

    Juice = all of the fructose, none of the fiber. Bigger insulin spike and less satiety ta' boot.

    Whole fruit for me please.