I'm going to buy a fitness tracker this weekend and I have been researching them trying to figure out the best one I really like the fitbit flex but I wish it showed the time on the face. And I had thought I had it narrowed down to the Garmin Vivo but alot of the reviews say that it doesn't stay on. I also liked the Samsung gear fit but I didn't read alot of good reviews on that one either. I'm kinda stuck I would like one that show's the time but doesn't have to if it's has good reviews...



  • cwrig
    cwrig Posts: 190 Member
    If you want something that will track steps by accelarameter and running/bking via gps; check out the Garmin forerunner 15
  • I have a fitbit flex and it has pretty much changed my life !!! I was really on the fence about spending the money on it, it seemed like a lot money for something that I might get bored with after awhile. My friend had the flex, and I went with that one, because she was getting such great results using it. She was hitting her goals and being a real inspiration. When I bought mine, I didn't realize until AFTER, that they have a few different versions *doh* I really regret not getting the version that is called the "One", as that one is a more accurate tracker, plus it gives bonus's for stairs climbed (I go up and down 3 flights of stairs several times a day at my apartment to walk the dog).... darn !!! The One is a clip version, and they give you a wristband to wear at night for the sleep tracking element. I have a sleeping problem, so I was really interested in this feature of the device. The flex is worn on the hand, so it ONLY tracks movement when you swing your arm. This means, if you are riding a bike, pushing a cart, or a baby carriage, etc, none of these activities are going to track properly or give you the rewards for them. That being said, I still love mine, it's still totally worth the money. When I walk my dog I carry the leash in the opposite hand so I don't stop the swinging motion, you have to think about these little things with the flex. As far as the watch issue, I wear my normal watch right next to the flex tracker without an issue. Just stack it, don't buy any device for the watch feature, that is just silly! When you double tap the flex, it tells you how far you are to your step goal based on strobing lights, when you meet your goal, it vibrates and gives a fun light show *dances* Lol silly, but it still makes me excited to know I met my goal every time it happens !!! The app that goes with the flex (or any of their devices) is great, too! It's a fun way to see your day at a snapshot and keep track of your goals. All in all, for me, the FitBit Flex or the One version or both great devices. I did some research on the others that you mentioned, and I still thought my choice was the best. I hope this helps, and that you find the right one for you!
  • kellypence
    kellypence Posts: 123 Member
    I have a vivofit and really like it. I have never had an issue with it falling off (only every happened once, and I was doing a weird wrist crossing move in Tang Soo Do in a t-shirt instead of the regular uniform). However, now that I'm running more, I want the Forerunner 15...
  • I forgot the most important part !!! It motivates me to get up and get moving! Before I had this device I was tired, overweight, and lethargic all the time. When I first started, 10k steps a day seemed like a monstrocity. I remember thinking, who can actually hit a goal that high? I was only getting about 2k a day, and I was genuinely trying. I started bumping up my nightly walks with the dog, and managed to hit a 5k goal on the regular. Now I've added a 20 min walk on my lunch break, and I'm hitting around 11k steps each day *claps* So, for me, it's been a great motivator. I love techy stuff and the desire to unlock the achievements works for me :) Thanks for letting me share!