nervous about running?

Hi everyone!

I'm really trying to get myself interested in more physical activities. I'm interested in running - it looks so fun! I'd love to be able to do the color me rad and zombie races! And it's low-cost, for me (I have a gym membership through my university -there's an indoor running track- and I live in a "granola" town where there are a lot of walking trails).

My problem: I feel so hesitant to start. I've researched some plans (The plans go like: 2 mins walking, 1 min running 7 reps, for the first few days and increasing intervals as the weeks go by). I have shoes, clothes, and an ipod full of music. I just don't know why I keep dragging my feet. It doesn't feel like it has to do with my laziness, as much as my anxiety. I have a hard time with the thought of running and people watching me. Has anyone else had this problem? What kind of motivation did you use?


  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    Like the commercial says: Just Do IT. C25K seems most popular to train for your first 5K.
  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    When I weighed almost 400 pounds, I was sure that I looked pathetic to everyone else at my Planet Fitness, but I got in there and exercised anyway. Over time, as I lost weight, random strangers would come up to me at the gym and tell me how good I was looking and that I was motivating them to work harder.

    I now play racquetball (I left Planet Fitness and joined a YMCA), lift weights, and climb over 200 floors on a StairMaster, and it all started with going 1/2 mile for 10 minutes a day on an elliptical (upon which I can now do 5.5 miles in 30 minutes).

    Do what you can. Do what you love. But do it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Like the commercial says: Just Do IT. C25K seems most popular to train for your first 5K.

    AND: get good shoes!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Yes, download a C25K app and just do it! I know it's scary at first, but once you get started it's not that bad. There's a pretty active C25K group on MFP too that you could join.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Just go. C25K is the bomb.

    Try it out for a week or 2 and see how you like it. If you fall in love (like I did), go get fitted for proper running sneakers. Other than that, have fun!!
  • bluesarah13
    bluesarah13 Posts: 31 Member
    I like to think that everyone else is just as self-conscious as I am. They aren't worrying about what I look like cause they are too busy worrying about what THEY look like.
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    You could try finding a running group. Sounds counter intuitive, but sometimes it is nice to have a pack of cheerleaders, and runners I find like to help other people get into the sport. I have 2 that I run with, one for fun short-mid length runs (to a bar, because yes) and the other sponsored by a sports/fitness store in town that is geared towards long runs to prep for a marathon. There are at least 2 more that I can think of that do the short-mid length runs (one is getting amazing donuts tonight, and fried chicken, kinda wish I was going with them tonight) during the week.
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    I second the "just do it" notion!! I walked every day the first 5 months of my weight loss.. then I started a c25k program and would be out of breath within 5 seconds. . Literally. . Months went by and I started weight lifting and decided I wanted to really pursue running.. it's nothing to brag about but I ran my fastest mile this morning of 13:36! I'm proud and hope to keep improving. .

    When I first started I still weighed close to 200 so I'm pretty sure I looked ridiculous. . Who cares?! At least you will be getting fit and healthy!

    I am now addicted to running! Every morning at 7 after getting my daughter to the bus, I hit the road!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    I like to think that everyone else is just as self-conscious as I am. They aren't worrying about what I look like cause they are too busy worrying about what THEY look like.

    Yup. As a species we are too self-centered to pay much mind to what other people are doing. Get out there and have some fun!
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    Start walking the trails, get yourself out there and get familiar with the area, let yourself naturally jog just go with it, if you're going to become a runner it's already inside you just start by putting one foot in front of the other, the trails are there whether you walk, run or crawl. :)
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    If entering zombie races are your desire, OP, there's even a C25K program called Zombies, Run! 5K.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I've run 30 marathons....and the best advice I got before I ever ran a step---the first mile is always the hardest.
    I say, leave the music at home.
    Find a nice shady park and walk a few steps, run a few steps, walk a few, run a few. Each day add a little more
    running. If running is for you, you will soon love it.
    You can do it.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Like the commercial says: Just Do IT. C25K seems most popular to train for your first 5K.

    AND: get good shoes!

    Agree and disagree.

    First get good shoes, then do C25K.

    As the other poster above said, when I weighed over 300 pounds, I was nervous to run at all. Less than a year later, I regularly do between 10K and 10 miles. "Just Do it"!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I still have plenty to lose before my goal weight, so when I go running, I feel like people are snorting with laughter and thinking "That fat woman is no runner!" But I run anyway. I put on my headphones, power up some motivating music, and remind myself that this is my workout, not theirs, and the only person I need to worry about right now is me.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If entering zombie races are your desire, OP, there's even a C25K program called Zombies, Run! 5K.
    OMG, I love that app! I don't even really need it, and I have the original, too, but when I started back to running after several months off I thought it might be fun to use that app along the way. I was so right!!

    It's a bit different than C25K as they have periods they call a "free form run" where you are supposed to run as much as you can and walk when you need to and those are interspersed with several sessions of intervals like run for 30 seconds and walk for 2 minutes that gradually get longer. They also throw in things like knee lifts. half squats and heel raises to help strengthen your muscles. The very last run in the program is a warm up walk and then a free form 25 minute run. I think this app is much more friendly to beginners and people who intend to run and walk in intervals (me!) forever.

    Whatever you do, OP, get out there and just run. No one is paying attention to you specifically. They're too busy worrying about you paying attention to them or they look upon anyone running as part of their "community". You're more likely to get a high five or a thumb's up from a passing runner than anything else.
  • effondrement
    effondrement Posts: 37 Member
    just to echo what everyone else has already said: just do it! I started by using the C25k plan, and because of how it is structured I'm really starting to enjoy running again. I definitely recommend it.

    also, when you are just starting out running, don't try to think of how much you are doing mileage wise, instead view it in terms of minutes. every time you run, tell yourself that you are going to do one minute more (or more than that if you can). soon those little added minutes will feel like big victories!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Like the commercial says: Just Do IT. C25K seems most popular to train for your first 5K.

    AND: get good shoes!

    Agree and disagree.

    First get good shoes, then do C25K.
    Actually, I don't necessarily agree with that. When you start, you're doing so little running that specially fitted running shoes aren't really necessary. I ran in an old pair of cross trainers when I first started running in 2011. I didn't notice any issues until I was regularly running more than 3 miles and that had more to do with my toe nails turning black than anything else.

    I'd suggest starting in a decent pair of trainers (sneakers, running shoes, tennis shoes, whatever you call them) and just keep attention on how you feel during and after the run. If you start to notice any kind of pain in your toes, feet, ankles, shins or knees then you'll want to head to the nearest store dedicated to running to have your gait analyzed and get a great pair of running shoes.
  • msjules65
    msjules65 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Loki-

    I know how you feel, I started running about 1 year ago and have finished many 5k's. Just finished on in Atlanta (I'm ion Caly) and will be doing a biggest looser one in November. By the way I am still on team turtle. I would encourage you to just "get out there" believe me no one will be looking at you. Those who are serious runners are in a zone, and those who are looking are either impressed and envious that they are not out there or studying your form to see how they can be better runners (I am in both camps). I would suggest three things. 1) find a local 5k to run/walk, you can google those in your area having a goal will keep you motivated give your self 3 months 2) find a friend who is willing to run/walk with you. 3) If you have a smart phone I would suggest using the Nike running app which has a coach feature. It will coach you through to the 5k. and just get out there.....its worth it!! Let me know how it goes. You can add me as a friend Msjules65 I'd love to know how your doing.
  • AZ0310
    AZ0310 Posts: 201 Member
    I started c25k with the shoes I had and had pain in my knees and shins. I went and got fitted with shoes that really made the difference. My shins started hurting again recently and another new pair of shoes fixed the problem. Just pay attention to how everything is feeling and avoid injury.

    I was a lifelong non-runner when I started. When I finished c25k I went on to a 10k app since I wasn't close to finishing 5k in 30 minutes. I'm very slow, but have come to really love running. I've moved onto a half marathon training plan now, and am just gradually adding on to my miles per week.
  • HelensBeads
    HelensBeads Posts: 79 Member
    Find a C25K app (or podcasts) as everyone has said. Personally (if you can stand the music) I can recommend the NHS one, search for NHS C25K and you'll find it. Laura (our running mentor) is very encouraging.

    Then for your running/support group head on over to (, a group of people that were all like you at the beginning, nervous, unfit, unsure. We blog (ups and downs, good days and bad days, after a run, while on the injury couch), chat, support, encourage and a fair few of us are on MFP.