
How does one that is counting calories and living on a different lifestyle go about fighting the cravings of a other roomie's delicious smelling-oh-so-bad-for-you meals. HELP! Her toast and jam smell sooo good my stomach is rumbling and I don't want to binge :( wahhhh! This happens daily I live with two other roommates that follow no health rules and dang it they keep offering to make dinner and share their meals and I feel the weekness creeping in!


  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    Clearly the only solution is nose plugs.

  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    I will try that one ;)
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Clearly the only solution is nose plugs.


    Now that's funny.....

    Seriously can probably have some of the foods your roommates are having...see if you can portion them and work them into your daily calories.
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    I would be so afraid I wouldn't be able to stop, or to have portion control. I am doing so good. I don't want to blow it. I am to soon into this to "cheat" quite yet. :(
  • tdander26
    Never let yourself get hungry! Keep lots of veggies around to snack on! Stay hydrated and keep a full belly! Also having one cheat meal a week helps your psyche! Looking forward to that is a nice reward! Cravings do go away after awhile believe it or not! Great job for starting! That's the hardest part! =D
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    How does one that is counting calories and living on a different lifestyle go about fighting the cravings of a other roomie's delicious smelling-oh-so-bad-for-you meals. HELP! Her toast and jam smell sooo good my stomach is rumbling and I don't want to binge :( wahhhh! This happens daily I live with two other roommates that follow no health rules and dang it they keep offering to make dinner and share their meals and I feel the weekness creeping in!

    1. go for a walk...
    2. have something that is 'on plan' & join your room mates!
    3. do something you enjoy to take your mind elsewhere

  • PhoebeGrey
    Toast and jam would do me in too! I'd pass up just about anything for toast and jam with a cup of tea. Would have to include that in my days calorie intake. Other than that, have meals planned or prepped ahead of time and as tdander said "Never let yourself get hungry! Keep lots of veggies around to snack on! Stay hydrated and keep a full belly!"
    Water, tea or coffee really helps drive away hunger pangs (not pains). I keep a bottle of water which I infuse with orange slices in the fridge. Tastes great, zero cals.
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    oh orange slices. I usually do lemon and lime, but I am going to do orange next. ;)
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Never let yourself get hungry! Keep lots of veggies around to snack on! Stay hydrated and keep a full belly! Also having one cheat meal a week helps your psyche! Looking forward to that is a nice reward! Cravings do go away after awhile believe it or not! Great job for starting! That's the hardest part! =D

    Yes, because rewarding yourself with food for not eating food is exactly what you need to do. When you stop looking to food as a reward, and the absence of eating crap as a punishment, or missing out on something, then you've got to a place where you can sustain it for life.
  • tdander26
    Never let yourself get hungry! Keep lots of veggies around to snack on! Stay hydrated and keep a full belly! Also having one cheat meal a week helps your psyche! Looking forward to that is a nice reward! Cravings do go away after awhile believe it or not! Great job for starting! That's the hardest part! =D

    Yes, because rewarding yourself with food for not eating food is exactly what you need to do. When you stop looking to food as a reward, and the absence of eating crap as a punishment, or missing out on something, then you've got to a place where you can sustain it for life.

    One single cheat meal in an entire week will not put a dent in anyone's progress, but if people are feeling over whelmed with cravings.. It is MUCH better to have a cheat meal in order to prevent a binge. Its a work in progress - not everyone can go cold turkey. Like I said, over time the cravings will go away.
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    ok, off topic, how do ya'all make those quote boxes. I want to be able to copy and paste from people's post like that but don't know how?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    ok, off topic, how do ya'all make those quote boxes. I want to be able to copy and paste from people's post like that but don't know how?

    See under your weight loss ticker for the button that says quote and then type in the box that pops up
  • cookeylady
    cookeylady Posts: 147 Member
    ok, off topic, how do ya'all make those quote boxes. I want to be able to copy and paste from people's post like that but don't know how?

    See under your weight loss ticker for the button that says quote and then type in the box that pops up
    Thank you
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    ok, off topic, how do ya'all make those quote boxes. I want to be able to copy and paste from people's post like that but don't know how?

    See under your weight loss ticker for the button that says quote and then type in the box that pops up
    Thank you

    Well done!
  • desidieter
    Never let yourself get hungry! Keep lots of veggies around to snack on! Stay hydrated and keep a full belly! Also having one cheat meal a week helps your psyche! Looking forward to that is a nice reward! Cravings do go away after awhile believe it or not! Great job for starting! That's the hardest part! =D

    Yes, because rewarding yourself with food for not eating food is exactly what you need to do. When you stop looking to food as a reward, and the absence of eating crap as a punishment, or missing out on something, then you've got to a place where you can sustain it for life.

    What's wrong with a reward from time to time? I don't have cheat meals weekly, but I don't see why it's bad for people who do. Everyone is different and should find a system that works for them. For some people, that involves weekly cheat meals. For others, it involves portion control and small treats on a daily basis. And of course, there are many other ways. Just because someone wants to have weekly cheat meals doesn't necessarily mean they have a bad relationship with food.