Where were you?

Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
September 11, 2001

Driving home from work listening to the radio, I heard the initial report of the 1st explosion at the WTC. I immediately called my mom. When I got home, still talking to Mom, I turned on the tv. Mom and I watched in horror as the second plane was flown into the other building. Tears streaming down my face, then and now, I stood in my living room unable to speak or move. Mother and I stayed on the phone, mostly in shocked silence, until the towers collapsed. It is a memory I wish I didn't have.

To those who are, have, or will serve,
Semper Fidelis 


  • NikiaSue
    NikiaSue Posts: 259 Member
    Skipped 1st period (Jr year) to go have breakfast with friends @ Dennys. Got to school and watched the news the rest of the day.
  • _BlueGreyGreen_
    _BlueGreyGreen_ Posts: 943 Member
    On my way there in PATH train