minimizing muscle loss on a limited diet

As the title suggests, I'm trying to figure out how to rework my diet in order to minimize muscle loss. For the foreseeable future, I am extremely limited in what I can eat. The diet I'm supposed to follow is posted below (image taken from


Last time I went through this, I got down to around 108-109 pounds and lost a lot of muscle in the process since I couldn't keep much down. I have at least 20 lbs left to lose before I get back to my healthy weight (5'7" and 153-154 right now), so I know I have a little cushion, but obviously not forever (I gained too much weight back when I started improving last time, hence being overweight now).

The diet is very low fat, very low fiber, so with that in mind what kind of macro split would be best for minimizing muscle loss? I'm trying to figure out a protein range that would be ideal. Beyond that, is there anything else I should consider with diet? I have been to a registered dietician a few times, but the issue of muscle mass retention didn't seem to be much of an expertise for her.

Thanks for any help!


  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    It looks like this is the gastroparesis diet, yeah?

    I don't know a lot about it, but I've some friends with this condition, and perhaps this website might be of some use for you:

    This is by a gal who has live with this condition, and seemed to have some good, practical advice as someone who has been there. And she ALSO has a ebook cookbook with gastroparesis friendly recipes, so maybe that might be helpful for you right now?