How much protein is too much?

HI everyone,

I am new to MFP, 5 days in and loving it! I am currently working with a personal trainer to build some muscle and lower my body fat to get some good definition before Summer. In turn I am eating what I would consider to be a high protein diet. My marco goals each day are below:

Carbohydrate: 151g - 45%
Protein: 117g - 35%
Fat: 30g - 20%

I am the first to admit that I am very green to this kind of stuff but I have heard high protein diets can lead to kidney issues...I'm also thirsty alot. Is this true and do you think my macros are right?

I am doing two sessions of weights with a trainer a week and then will be doing weight/ cardio by myself 2 - 3 times a week.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

: )

P.S looking for MFP friends especially weight lifters! :tongue:
