Hey there!

Hello my name is Meghan and I have been a MFP member for almost a year now but have never been able to keep with it. I was doing well last year, about 10 lbs lost but then came down with a kidney infection and well that was it. Since then I have gain about 15 lbs if not more. I am really discouraged about it also. I am the type of person who needs to see the results or I will think whats the point. Also I dont live with much of an enourage group, if anything its a bunch of people who bring me down. I work nights and its hard for me to remeber to sign on before I go to work. I hope that this new year I can get on the right track and lose the weight that I want ot lose!


  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Hi Meghan. I totally understand where you're coming from with wanting to see instant results but we always have to remember there is no rush with weight loss. It's better to do it right, do it once and move on with our lives :) I hope you can keep on track this time around. Much luck to you!