Hello! (Newbie/gluten-free/Diverticulitis)

I started logging with MFP a few days ago, so this is both a "hi" and a "are there any other MFPs out there who have changed their diet since having a diverticulitis attack" and how it's working out for you guys.

I ended up here after having a brilliant experience with a nutritionist who gave me a food diary in which I had to write down every tiny detail of what I ate.
This experience ended up being a lot of fun, as it taught me to be more mindful with food and to really listen to what my body needed in terms of nutrients. So now that the sessions with the nutritionist have ended, I want to keep up the good habit and keep logging my food and my activities.

My goal wasn't so much to lose weight to begin with, but to get healthy and to never experience that mind-numbing, soul-destroying pain of the acute diverticulitis attack again....plus 2 weeks of antibiotics and a liquid diet....no, thanks.

What's worked really well for me following the diverticulitis scare is to
a) go pretty much gluten-free. I have some oatbran with my morning yogurt, but no grains anymore; I've also ditched the coffee and the sugar;
b) to be mindful of my portions so as not to overload my system.
c) and of course, stress-management and being good to myself.

A nice side-effect has been that I have lost some weight. Slowly and gradually. I am a little bit on the low-carb-y side of things, simply because of the lack of grains, but I feel great as I eat healthy fats and protein. The interesting bit for me has been that, while I always thought of myself as big veggie eater, I noticed that I could up the portions even more.
Also portion-size: I am currently learning what a proper portion for a person of my height and weight is and that a slightly smaller portion will be ok, too and that I won't have to go hungry.

Would love to hear from other MFPs who manage the diverticulosis well.


  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Hi there and welcome to the community!

    I don't have diverticulitis (that I know of), but I've suffered from moderate to severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Spastic Colon since I was a small child, and was recently diagnosed with a little-known condition called Dumping Syndrome (rapid emptying) which I've had since about high school. I agree that logging definitely helps you look at how much "junk" you're eating throughout the day, as well as really see the portion sizes of your meals. I've been advised to eat 6-8 small meals a day, though I'm usually stubborn and eat 2 small ones and one huge one. I'll have to stop this soon though, as I'm getting older any my system isn't tolerating the large meals as well.

    I hope to see you around!
  • lioness2307
    lioness2307 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Timberowl,

    yes, IBS, something I've also grappled with in the past. Have you tried going wheat-free (if not grain-free)? Ditching grains has taken out a huge chunk of inflammatory foods and has dramatically calmed down my system.
    Also stress-management and having an active life style has worked well for me - I guess it is about finding the right balance in one's life.

    I'm pretty good in terms of "junk" - I cook my own food and have always loved veggies, fish, fruit. I'm not interested in crisps, chips, burgers or any of that.
    My big weakness is natural almond butter (just ground almonds) which I could eat a whole pot of in one go, it simply tastes so good! ;-)

    I know what you mean about small and big meals - it's not always easy to time meals in terms of juggling other responsibilities (job, family etc.).

    All best,