everyday exercise, with baby?

amurdaugh2010 Posts: 38 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
im a first time mom, i need some easy exercises that incorperate babies age 9 mos, i work 20 hours a week as a cashier, and my hubby has a car most of the time. my goal for every week is to drop 1 and a half lbs, im supposed to workout 5 times a weeklasting an hour. if you guys have any easy exercisies i can do throuout the day or with baby id appriciate. my neighborhood isnt good to walk in, so im mostly looking into living room exercises.


  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    you could get some mommy and me sort of workout videos where they do workouts with you baby or toddler
  • txmomma0889
    txmomma0889 Posts: 179 Member
    an example of a dvd: http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?PID=8012307&style=movie&frm=frooglemovie

    video of a mommy and me yoga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WEB9K5xytQ

    So if you search you should be able to find one approiate for you because they have them to workout with your toddler too
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    My 9 month old loves to dance. I'll carry him and dance to music. Sometimes I crawl after him, stop to lift him over my head (he's 25#...a good work out) just chasing a little one is exhausting. You could try getting in some sit ups and push ups while your playing on the floor.

    Little movements add up. You could start with 3 / 20 minute workouts (continuous movement) and one workout a week where you get out without baby and really push yourself.

    Healthy foods and watching my portions has also made a big difference for me.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I walk with my baby in the stroller (he is 11 months). He wakes up at 6:30 am and I don't need to go to work before 8am, so I get us both dressed and go for a 30 minute fast walk with him pretty much every morning. Then I reward myself by stopping at the local coffee shop which is opened that early for a cup of black coffee and to feed my baby his breakfast. (read: formula)
    That is pretty much the only exercise I do, except for 3 sets of 15 sit ups in the evenings when the baby is in bed.

    s suppose you could put the baby in the exersaucer (or bouncy seat or Pack & Play) and do some workout videos, but I just can't be bothered. Yet.
    So far, the walk really does it for me.
  • the midwives in germany taught me a few.

    1. Hold your baby in front of you with your elbows locked at your sides. Bend your knees slightly. Rotate the top half of your body to the left and center, then to the right and center.

    2. Lie on your back and lay baby on your stomach. Do crunches...(my son loved these)

    3. either but baby in upright carrier or hold them on your chest , do squats.

    NEVER push yourself to the limit when exercising with baby. When you get tired QUIT
  • quadrun, those are great. What about for squats those backpack type things people wear in the front, those would be excellent. I would have mentioned the fast walks or a run with the stroller. But quadrun's ideas are great I would imagine. Squats especially, great full body exercise.
  • Hi! Im a mother of two (the older is 2 y-o, the younger is 8 m-o). I do everything at home. I use DVD or Wii games. :)

    I do strength training 3 times a week (Monday-Wed-Friday) for an hour, using dumbells. I just put the little one in his swinger or exersaucer or even in the high chair with a bottle of milk! ;) Sometimes when Im lucky I can do my whole hour straight, but most of the time of course I have to stop the DVD a couple of times to take care of the kids...

    For cardio workout, I usually dance. My 2 y-o loves music so he is always nice and quiet while Im dancing! lol ;D And for the litte baby, again I put him in the swinger or the exersaucer so I dont accidentally step on him! ;P

    Hope that helps. And grats on your decision to get fit! :)
  • amurdaugh2010
    amurdaugh2010 Posts: 38 Member
    wow, thanks everyone for the tips! theyre great. i cant wait to try the one where you can use baby as a weight lol those sound fantastic! i im trying really hard to watch my portions, and when i go grocery shopping again in 2 weeks i plan on buying alot -of the fresh steamer things. the look good. also, i like the yoga video. i hate sweating, and feeling like im exercising. lol so dancing and spreading my workout throughout the day seems like its a good idea for me. wow, i love this site, so much support:) i dont have a wii, but i would LOVE a kinect, that seems like it would be good for exercise:)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I joined the gym simply to get AWAY from my kid via the childwatch area! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    (now I go in the morning before everyone gets up).
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