? for p90x-ers

How long was it before you started to see changes? I'm only about 10 days in but my scale hasn't budged! Did you all see weight loss right away or was it later? Just seems like people get such dramatic results it would need to start pretty quick!


  • tennillewade
    tennillewade Posts: 49 Member
    take your measurements! Stay off the scale LOL its an ego deflater when you are doin P90X you are trying to gain muscle which ultimately may mean that you will not lose a lot of weight but you will see the changes in you, if you measure body fat and inches.
  • claire0928
    claire0928 Posts: 73 Member
    My body fat hasn't changed either. :( I haven't measured myself since it's only been 10 days. I'm probably just being impatient. I just wondered what other people's experience was.
  • BrandonEspinosa
    I lasted on the p90x for about 45 days before an injury. While I didn't see much of a change on the scale, started the program at 179 and got down to 175, I noticed a bunch of changes in muscle tone as well as I dropped a pant size. The saying goes "Muscle weighs more than fat," and after the p90x, I can see how the saying is soooooo true. So like the person before me said take measurements.
  • quentien3
    quentien3 Posts: 134 Member
    I agree, track you inches! Make sure you maintain you calorie plan but incorporate raw veggies for snacks and drink 16 cups of water as opposed to 8.

    I assure you, you will see the change.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    Specifically you should see changes on the scale sometime around the 30 day mark, and an even bigger change at the 60 day mark as the program changes the routines for the second month so after an initial shock of high intensity exersice that you were not used to doing, the body is shocked once again when the routine changes, and the difference this time is now your body knows how to react properly to the new way it's being used. But, like others have said, take measurements. Unless you are really obese it's the measurements that matter, because if you are doing the nutrition properly you can in fact put on more muscle weight than you might imagine. We're not talking 10 pounds or anything like that, but a few is possible over the course of 90 days for a female.
  • claire0928
    claire0928 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for all the responses guys! I'll keep going and make sure I take my measurements instead of relying on weight change for a while!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I"m in day 30 and have had no weight change at all. My coach told me that with the muscle confusion, I may actually gain because of water retention (which I did but lost). I haven't measured and will step on the body comp scale on the 3rd, but I can physically see changes already. I too wanted the instant satisfaction by day 10. What I did notice is my push ups are much better form and off my knees already, I'm in upward dog instead of cobra and I can do double the pull ups from when I started. I can see the physical abilities I've gained vs body changes. I didn't take before photos as I'm camera phobic. No one else around me has notice any changes yet, but I'm waiting. I'm also hoping all the yoga will help my posture improve, which is very important to me after a back/neck injury led to more rounded shoulders than I've ever had before.
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    I have this set and I used for about 10 days and I found myself not wanting to get up at 5:00 am to do it and I just really do not like dvd's for a work out! Yet I keep buying them! But now my knee is out & have to rest it!
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I am on week 12, and no weight loss for me!! But no gain either! What I do feel and see is bigger biceps, my quads are bigger among other physcal indurance improvements!! I am doing classic, but when I finish I plan on doing insanity to see if that helps me loose weight!!