Drinking on the weekends???



  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    There can be room in any diet for a little bit of alcohol. I drink wine or whiskey on the rocks. The whiskey is nice because it's low cal and you're not taking in any calories for liquor, plus I sip it a lot slower when it's straight (and you look cool). I have a hard time curbing my wine consumption, as I'm a big wino, but I try to buy nicer wines that I'll sip slowly and savor.

    If my friends are munching on bar food, I try to strike up an interesting conversation to distract myself. Also, once I run out of calories, I always sip soda water with lime, so I have something for my hands to do.
  • vickiele1
    vickiele1 Posts: 394 Member
    When I first started this journey in June 2010, I quit all alcohol completely for the first 2 months of my weight reduction plan - I felt I needed to detox (I wasn't a heavy drinker, but did enjoy a couple of beers or a couple of glasses of wine each evening). After about 2 months I did add back in Michelob Ultra light (2 bottles maximum to begin with at night only). Then as the weight continued to decline, I added a couple of glasses of wine here and there (on special occasions like my oldest daughter's birthday dinner, etc.). Now after 6 months of weight reduction and 63 plus pounds down, I feel I can manage alcohol without adding weight or without getting too much of a hangover. I still limit my consumption to beer and wine (never was a mixed drink kind of person). I continue to have wine on special occasions only and a couple of beers at the end of the day or on the weekends during the football game. I don't snack, because I don't buy the foods I would snack on. I simply just keep veggies and healthy foods in the house instead of buying the junk - that way I have nothing to eat that is unhealthy - it works for me. You might try changing your alcohol of choice to something that has less calories in it - something you don't like as well. And try just buying healthy foods instead of stuff that will add calories.

    Blessings as you progress on your journey.

  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    Dont drink.
  • What about tequila??
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I drink Kettle One and Club Soda. Not many calories. Or, you can try drinking it straight! That definitely helps me sip slowly. Good luck!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Easy one. Quit drinking them and use your liquor money for something more productive. Then maybe you'll find something else you enjoy that is easier on your body. Just a thought, from a non-drinker (so maybe its easier said than done).

    Definitely easier said than done. Lol.

    Exactly ...lol

    Try drinking water between drinks and get some healthy snacks to eat while drinking.
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    The best thing I've done is trying to switch from the fruity mixed drinks to something harsher. Some of those wine coolers, and bottled drinks just go down so damn easy that I can polish off a good 6 pack without even thinking about it. However a nice tall Beam and diet coke may take a while since it's just not as easy to chug down the whiskey! Make sure your alcohol TASTES like alcohol and not just some carbonated juice :)
  • DangerRanger
    DangerRanger Posts: 327 Member
    Everyone on this thread has a point. If you're getting hammered every weekend, you may have a bigger problem in the long run. Personally, I have 1-2 beers with my meals Saturday and Sunday. Lately it's been 1-2 beers every other day since I've been on vacation and the holidays. But it's only 102 calories per beer (Budlight or Coors light), and I'm not buzzing/eating everything in sight. With that in mind, maybe you should just cut back on your drinking.

    If not, I like the DFH idea :)

    Remember it's my personal opinion so at the end of the day, it's up to you. Good Luck!
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    thanks:) that is really useful.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks everyone, I have so many diff ideas.

    I thinking the first of the yr I'm going to stop drinking or only limited myself to one nt a mth, to see if the wt starts coming off faster when I'm not drinking so much.
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member

    gives you calorie counts for liquors. I'm with you on the Captain Morgan. Although I switched to Sailor Jerry a couple of years ago. The only thing I can tell you is to use the "will power" (yeah it's hard). Not only does alcohol make the munchies kick in it also slows our metabolism down.

    Hopefuly bumping for these great links.
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