When Do YOU Exercise?



  • spritie
    spritie Posts: 167
    I'm definatly a night person, and as I've been studying this year I've been working out anywhere from 3pm (which is rare) to 3am

    but usually between 11pm and 2am is when I talk myself into it :) weird I know but definatly better than not doing it at all.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I don't buy into the theory that working out at a certain time of day is better than working out at any other time. Everyone's body is different, and, more to the point, everyone's schedule is different.

    During the week, I work out as soon as I get home from work. On weekends, I work out around 9:00 AM. I definitely prefer morning workouts because I have more energy in the morning and because I like to get the workout done and out of the way so I don't have it hanging over my head all day long. But I usually get to work around 6:45 AM, so to get in a proper workout before work, I'd have to get up at 4 AM, and that just ain't gonna happen.
  • Fernella13
    Fernella13 Posts: 68 Member
    I do mornings which I hate, but if I don't do it then it never gets done :neutral:
  • ThickJoker
    ThickJoker Posts: 14 Member
    Due to full time work time constraints, living in an area where is is NOT safe for me to be outside my home walking at dark or even daylight, alone or not...
    I'm limited.

    I get to work out (which is walking 3-5 miles depending on energy level and weather etc) Wednesday afternoons after work (1pm or so) and again on Sunday and Monday's when I'm actually off of work.

    During the week I'm sadly limited to the walking I do at work (I work in a kitchen in a hotel attached to a casino as the room service cashier) so it's a lot of just walking back and forth, but it's movement.

    I've tried to do some things at home but I'm struggling with them, squats are extremely painful for me, as are sit ups and crunches (that all has to do with some fused vertebrae in my back and bulging discs)

    I even joked about starting a gofundme campaign to get funds for me to join the gym right near my house. (why working full time doesn't make ends meet I'll never know)