40+ women losing the last 10 pounds

I'm about to turn 42 years old, recognize my changing chemistry, & have the last 10 pounds to conquer. I'd appreciate & be very encouraged to hear testimonies of other women challenged as well. Hopefully, some who have tasted the victory and can share how long it took them to reach their ultimate goal while others in route can share their anticipation as well.

In November, I lost 4 pounds, December, 1 pound. During Christmas I went ahead and quit counting for a few days, backed off on regular exercise routine & definitely went over calories in hopes to rev up my metabolism for the New Year! Yesterday, I went back to exercising & counting but by 7:30 p.m. was back in the kitchen indulging! I'm "scheduled" to start any day now and read this a.m. that ghrelin levels(hunger pains) can be enhanced by greasy, fatty foods, alcohol, & too few of calories...well, i've been eating a lot of buttery Christmas treats. Hopefully, it won't take long to balance myself out again and i'll opt for the negative calorie foods before the treats fall into my mouth again tonight ;o) Although I ate some of those too!


  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm right there with you, FunnyGirl!

    I'll turn 42 in January, and have been hoovering at around 10 lbs. away from my goal weight for two months. I lost about 5 lbs. between November 1st and Christmas....only to gain it back again!

    I tried intermittent fasting at the end of November, and I gained 3 lbs. I think that when my fast was over, I just went wild with food! I didn't go over my calories, though....so not really sure what happened there.

    I started diligently counting my calories again yesterday. And, today was the first day since Christmas Eve that I didn't wake up and start eating junk food! The only day that I missed my workout was Christmas morning (I had planned on working out, but we all overslept!). My water intake was high over the holiday, too....Never going below 64 oz./day.

    So, I am going to refocus, recommit, and re-energize myself! I see such a huge change in my energy level when I eat junk food, or lower my protein intake. So, I'm upping my protein, working out as usual, and counting calories! I am going to go look for a new book on fitness or something on whole foods to inspire me, too.

    We can do this! We are 40-Somethings, and we are strong! =)
  • funnygirl0940
    i've upped my calories to 1800, which is still less than my body needs to maintain plus workouts, at least until after New Years. It takes the pressure off of me & I'll be able to enjoy this week.
  • cmw9696
    cmw9696 Posts: 123
    I'll be 41 Jan 30...so, I am right there with you! I'll be on vacation that week, and shortly after (Feb 27), I am planning on starting training for a Du-athlon! Crazy!!
  • funnygirl0940
    a du athlon??? that should be exciting!!

    i do well until evening...that's why i gave myself a no eating after 7 p.m. rule, which before Thanksgiving, I kept...gotta get back to normal! ;o)
  • funnygirl0940
    wow, either every 40+ year old woman has this figured out, is on vacation, or I'm pretty alone in this. hehe
  • CarolHudson11
    I've nowhere close to figured it out, Funnygirl! I'm 42 1/2. I've only got 15 pounds to lose (thank goodness!) and just started this yesterday. I've never counted calories, measured food, or tracked how much I eat in my life. It's been eye-opening these last two days. I don't have the last 10 lb. hurdle to get through - I just have to get through 15 pounds total. I'm crossing my fingers, too. And I learned a few things today. I guess that's what this is - one day at a time.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,416 Member
    Oooo-pick me! pick me! I'm the oldie of the bunch at 47 and I have between 5-10 lbs. to get to my goal. Of course, my goal weight is kind of elusive and it's that old "I'll know it when I see it" thing. I've been on here since 8/22 and had lost 19.4 lbs. but gained back 2 during the month of December. However, the junk is out of the house (mostly) and I've recommitted to eating better. I've always worked out so that isn't an issue for me (except during the holidays, I can't do a monster 2 hour spin class because of those pesky kids who need me to drive them places). Only one more holiday to get through (and I plan to enjoy MY party) then it's serious stuff. My 20 year wedding anniversary is in January and I want to be below my wedding weight which is only 2.5 lbs. away.

    I never thought at my age I'd lose another lb. but boy once I started logging what (more like how much) I was eating, it was a huge wake up call. When I went for my physical in November (first one in 2 years) my doctor was grinning like she had lost the weight. She was soooo excited and wanted all the details of MFP to give to her patients! I love this site and am glad to find other women close to my age!
  • funnygirl0940
    " I started logging what (more like how much) I was eating"

    isn't that the truth! it really helps to see what I'm doing to myself.

    I'm planning to go to the dr for the whole deal in Jan. I was too embarrassed to go when i was heavier.