strength routine for the gym?

Bzbear2 Posts: 109
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,

I am really enjoying doing cardio at my gym, but when I move on to strength training.. I feel sort of BLAH because I don't have a plan. I am definitely someone who likes to have a plan, with moves to check off, in order to feel really motivated. I usually just do some reps on a few machines and call it quits.

I have searched the internet high and low for a good site that offers personalized strength (gym oriented) workouts and came up empty handed! Can anyone help me out with some suggestions?

Thank you in advance,


  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    ask a trainer to show u how to work the machines and to create a starter program for your needs
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    yeah, I will defininitely do that, thanks for the suggestion!

    Any other resources out there?
  • i'm not too sure about resources to find a good routine, but i've found that trial and error works the best. find something you like or that you want to work on and do about 3-4 sets of 10-20 reps, depending on what your working and how much weight is involved. i like using the hip adductor and abductor for my inner and outer thigh muscles, and the seated dip machine (for triceps). just make sure you mix up which machines you use and do a little bit of everything so you don't overlook one area.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    cnt remember the author, i checked a good book out at the local library called strenght training for women. just remember to rotate your muscle groups. i do lower, upper, skip, full, skip on skip days i do cardio only. best of luck.
  • Not sure what the rules are but it might be worth looking into a book called "The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess".

    I've recommended it to many of the women I train with and have had it recommended to me as well.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    You can poke around here....
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I always do my strength training first (after a yoga warm up) because I love the strength training bit and I hate the cardio. I sometimes do a little cardio interval, just to get the blood pumping. If I do the cardio bit last then I know it's not long till I can hit the sauna and it gives me more incentive.
    In my PT sessions we did a mix all the way through - some yoga, then boxing, then strength then high intensity cardio, then strength again then warm down. I found it way more interesting.

    I would grab one of the instructors at your gym and have a word.
  • Bzbear2
    Bzbear2 Posts: 109
    thanks for all the great suggestions!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Another awesome reference is a book "The Female Body Breakthrough" by Rachel Cosgrove. It is full of great info and routines!! It is my bible. Her husband was a co-author of the above mentioned book "New Rules of Lifting for Women" his book is basically a spin-off of hers. She definatley practices what she preaches and is very inspiring. I have had amazing results by just following her routines and clean eating. Heavy lifting and fewer reps is the only way to go, in my opinion anyway, less time in the gym, less repitition which means less boredom and greater results!!!
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