Goofy Challenge 2015

I'm doing the Goofy challenge coming up. I have never run a marathon so that will be the difficult part. I am doing my best to keep up with the jeff galloway's training schedule. My difficulties are the fact I am a full time night shift nurse so my work schedule is all over the place and I have 2 kids under 3. I have run 2 half marathons prior to having my son. I have 2 half marathons scheduled prior to the race in january. Looking for support and/or advice for training, running the races from individuals who have completed any type of distance running challenge.


  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Remember to have fun! I've done 3 Goofy's and 1 Dopey. For me personally I slacked on training. I wish I would have focused on strength training just as much as running. I was too worried about just logging miles during training. Embarrassed to admit BUT my first Goofy was the first time I ever ran a half or full! I made it but wasn't the smartest choice for me. Make time to train and take it seriously so you can enjoy the race. °o° Good luck in January!
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    What prompted the challenge? Did you register too late to sign up for the marathon alone, and were stuck with the goofy option? If you think you can carve out the required time to get in shape for it, then go for it. If not, no shame in putting in a solid marathon performance, and skipping out on the prior day half, or just walking the half at the 3.8mph course minimum speed. Being short on training time and trying both if you don't think you'll be able to put in all of the required training seems a bit... well... goofy.

    Doing just the full here (had done a prior marathon, but really want to crack the 4 hour mark, and figured it would be cool/flat/fun).
  • krazzybebe03
    krazzybebe03 Posts: 39 Member
    I like a challenge. I ran the disney princess in 2013 and had only run upto 6 miles prior due to illness throughout training. Then I trained for another month knowing I could do it and took 30 minutes off my time for the clearwater half in April 2013. June 2013 I found out I was pregnant. I have been running since late July early August and already up to 7 miles with a 12:30 pace. I'm about a week/2 weeks behind of training. It's difficult running outside in Florida right now too hot humid....I do my long runs at 5am. My first half is in the endo of October and my second half this season is in December. I know I can finish even if it requires me to walk one. My goal as of now is to "run" but it's a jogging pace for most, the half and run walk the full.