Looking for some motivational support buddies

Hi, my name is Sasha. I've been using MFP for a while to track my exercise and calories, but the people I originally joined with, just a few people from my local community are all no longer active on this site. It always helps me feel more on track and motivated to see other folks updates and such come up when I go to enter my data.

I'll tell y'all a little about me. I'm a psych student right now with one year left to graduate! I'm trying to get ready to meet physical requirements for the Navy. I need to lose about 50 lbs and pass a running test in a certain amount of time and get a certain number on a timed push up and sit up test. I use my school gym a lot. I love weight lifting and swimming. I play on a local rugby team and enjoy playing games and such outside with my mates. Other than sports and such, I also love anything fantasy/sci fi, books, shows, video games, etc. If we got anything in common or similar goals, feel free to respond here, shoot me a message, or send me a request! :)