Dr. Oz 2 week Rapid Weight loss?



  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    He's endorsing an unsafe, unsustainable, and ridiculous fad diet.
    "Rapid Weight Loss" in two seeks is a snake oil fix. It doesn't work.

    Explain, what part of this is unsafe, unsustainable and a fad diet???
    If it doesn't work, please tell my body as I have lost 44lbs on it.

    So, I must be lying???

    I saw his "meal plan". It looks awful. Not to mention his "detox broth".
    I never said you were lying. I'm saying his methods are unsustainable and don't work long term.
    Stop misquoting me because I don't agree with you.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    He's endorsing an unsafe, unsustainable, and ridiculous fad diet.
    "Rapid Weight Loss" in two seeks is a snake oil fix. It doesn't work.

    Explain, what part of this is unsafe, unsustainable and a fad diet???
    If it doesn't work, please tell my body as I have lost 44lbs on it.

    So, I must be lying???

    You ate less then what you burn. Has nothing to do with some magic diet.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    He's endorsing an unsafe, unsustainable, and ridiculous fad diet.
    "Rapid Weight Loss" in two seeks is a snake oil fix. It doesn't work.

    Explain, what part of this is unsafe, unsustainable and a fad diet???
    If it doesn't work, please tell my body as I have lost 44lbs on it.

    So, I must be lying???

    You ate less then what you burn. Has nothing to do with some magic diet.

  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member

    Yes, saw this on CNN. Endorsing products that scam artists are utilizing his name. Senate hearing discussing unregulated products.
    Dr. Oz slapped on the hand by one female senator as using his platform poorly.

    This video speaks off the topic of this thread (Dr. Oz weight loss plan) which has no products endorsed at all.
    But I can understand how people discount a person with one thing and carrying it over to everything in the future with that same person. I am just saying the naysayers are not commenting on the food plan, they are commenting on person.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    Yes, saw this on CNN. Endorsing products that scam artists are utilizing his name. Senate hearing discussing unregulated products.
    Dr. Oz slapped on the hand by one female senator as using his platform poorly.

    This video speaks off the topic of this thread (Dr. Oz weight loss plan) which has no products endorsed at all.
    But I can understand how people discount a person with one thing and carrying it over to everything in the future with that same person. I am just saying the naysayers are not commenting on the food plan, they are commenting on person.

    I commented on the food plan. It's a crappy crash diet endorsed by a dishonest doctor. Happy?
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Liposuction is the only time proven, guaranteed and quick way to lose fat.
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 142 Member

    You ate less then what you burn. Has nothing to do with some magic diet.

    No "magic diet". You are correct I ate less then what I burned. We all know that is how you lose weight. The benefit to me was food selection, which is laid out in his food plan. And truthfully the food plan is not much different then what can be found in 1000's of books. The "magic" so to speak, is that Dr. Oz's food plan simplified something for me, at a time that I was overwhelmed in understanding where to start. There is so much misinformation out there. Again, as evidenced in this thread, posters speak off topic or even about the plan by apparently reading a print off sheet of the diet and no further information that was provided on the show or following shows.

    I don't have a problem with differing opinions. I do have a problem with someone saying it doesn't work, when it does.

    I wouldn't be so adamant about it, if I didn't know first hand how hard it is to truly get in a good habit with lifestyle changes and begin losing the weight. This plan worked for me. If this thread reaches out and helps one person to lose weight with the foods prescribed, then its worth a rebuttal.
    I'm not of the mind set to challenge others in their methodology of losing weight, their choice of exercise, what they put in their bodies . . . so I don't get the negativity.



    Best to you in your efforts.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    You ate less then what you burn. Has nothing to do with some magic diet.

    No "magic diet". You are correct I ate less then what I burned. We all know that is how you lose weight.

    I stop reading at this. You did say something about being overwhelmed because you did not really understand which is ok. You seem to be knowing what you are doing now. Your ticker. I know exactly how I gained weight. I can recall the amounts of food I would binge. All the late night foods I binge on.