Phew! Going public! Here goes!!!

Hello everyone

I have been a member for a long time but sadly have not really used this properly. I am feeling a bit stuck. A bit tired. A bit busy. I can provide a huge list of valid reasons but after reading hundreds of posts from ordinary folk I realise that they are just sounding like excuses. I'm scared...but I want to have my ticker zipping along on my profile and feel super proud (not to mention the body/health benefits!). I have bravely sent a friend request to a lady who has about 100 pounds (45 kilos for Aussie folks) to lose. I would like to have friends in the same boat...or at least in the same pond. I think that I have set my profile up correctly. Fingers crossed!


  • I am also looking for friends to keep me on track and motivated. I get so discouraged sometimes and come up with excuses about being busy also. Hopefully we can push though together!
  • I would love that! :)
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can add me and I'll cheer you on!!
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'll keep you motivated...I'm on here daily:smile:
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Hi my name is Lisa I'm 43 years young.... if you want friends and motivation. Feel free to add me. I'm trying to lose my last 27 pounds. We can do this stay positive and get moving !!! :smile: :heart:
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    First of all you've got this! I have met my goal weight and now working on getting my cholesterol down without drugs. I am on here daily, eat a balanced diet(all things in moderation), and exercise(it's what I like to do). Feel free to add me. I can give you encouragement or a kick in the hiney if needed!
  • addaloria
    addaloria Posts: 7 Member
    Ditto. What are you doing to start your journey.
    I have been trying to move more and care what I eat, but nothing has changed for me, and I realize I need more of an action plan. I think the biggest problem I have right now is calorie intake. I hate the idea of having to write down everything, but it appears that is what must be done as it is the one thing consistently advised on all diet sites.
    Oh, I am also a sugar addict and my brain hurts without it. So, theres that too. It's a problem.
  • Loving this post! A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.

    I'm re-committing and would like to make the most out of MFP. :-)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I was of the view I would lose weight simply by exercising more eating more healthy, within a week and reading this site I realised how fundamental calorie counting is. You need the information so you can maintain the deficit. Fortunately MFP takes the guess work out and the discipline of recording and logging seems to be a very good habit to have and keeps you focused on whats going into your body.

    I would advise on your sugra withdrawl if you cnat go cold turkey then gradually decrease plus you cna also get quite a lot from fruit.
  • BTW-I watched "Sugar: The bitter truth" on Youtube and was cured of my sugar addiction. Really, truly. I went cold turkey that minute and have never went back.
  • Huskermaniac
    Huskermaniac Posts: 3 Member
    You could add me if you like. I have over 100lbs to go yet and have just begun 3 weeks ago. I could definetly use some friends in the same boat.

  • janellyf
    janellyf Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me. I love seeing people succeed!
  • RyPope14
    RyPope14 Posts: 3 Member
    I know the feeling. After years of being a member of this site I just started putting it to use a week ago. Good luck on your journey!
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    You are welcome to add me - I have lost over 30 lbs but have over a 100lb still to go. I am on every day and am happy to share in support and motivation!
  • addaloria
    addaloria Posts: 7 Member
    Good to know, I think I'll watch before bed. Anything that even POTENTIAL might cure my sugar addition I will explore.