New and a bit scared



  • MsGaladrial
    Awesome that you are an adopted pet mommy! I have a Chihuahua, Lola, but of course (darn it) she has a doggy door and being so little, her endurance is nil. I find I am the master procrastinator, really have elevated it to an art form! I AM going to make myself either walk the treadmill today for 20 to 30 or talk a walk around the neighborhood...beautiful day. Thanks for responding and have a wonderful day!
  • MsGaladrial
    LOL, I'm not laughing at your post, per say, it's awful that you ended up in ICU, but..I am an ICU nurse! Cardiac, surgical, trauma and neuro. Fortunately, I think that there are many more discomforts (and indignities) that you've forgotten. I haven't had a health scare, amazing actually, in general I am really healthy; BP normal (but trending up some), cholesterol 187, no diabetes, but I know it's just a matter of time. I'm not sure how to accept a friend request on here, but when I figure it out, HI FRIEND!!!
  • MsGaladrial
    Thank you so much! and congrats an your success so far. A lot of people have suggested a fitness buddy, but I have been pretty isolated, (marital circumstances..longgggg story) and don't really have anyone to ask. also, I am really embarrassed about my appearance, cheerleader turns Hindenburg, so going for a walk in public is a bit intimidating at this time. But I am going to get started on the treadmill today, right after I hit the farmers market for some nice fresh veggies! :smile:
  • MsGaladrial
    Thank you for your response! I agree with everything you've said and I know it is the way to go. One (of many) of my failings is being very impatient with myself, I want to be a size 8 by November....this year! My rational mind is constantly in a battle with my instancy mind! And I am a Jedi master at procrastination. Knowing those things should help me conquer them but sometimes just discourages me. Maybe adopting the one day (minute) at a time philosophy will help me. Well, here I go! :wink:
  • MsGaladrial
    Thanks! You have a very reasonable way to look at this whole process. Starting out by focusing on my food choices and diary and incorporating exercises gradually sounds like a doable plan. Here's to us and a successful and grateful day! :smile:
  • MsGaladrial
    Wow, congrats on your success, can I be you when I grow up? (or grow smaller) Thanks for your encouraging words, I know I can get the weight off if I am patient with myself, a trait I've not mastered in 60 years. Guess it's never too late, right!? have a most lovely day and again, thanks for your response. :happy:
  • royalhawaiian53
    I'm new on here, but have been pushing for years to walk outside, do treadmill, stationary bike, anything to get moving. Susan Powter actually got me believing that I could start small (3-5 minutes at a time) and build up to more. Every day do a couple minutes more. That's how I started and now I'm semi handicapped with chronic pain and can do an hour on the stationary bike. Keep trying, don't give up, just get up!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Same here, i have trouble getting motivation but am still here chugging along, i really have to make myself get up and go sometimes its pain sometimes i just cant get going, my weight loss is slow. I have been walking a lot more, it is harder when you get older. Feel free to friend me if you need support- good luck with the journey
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    There have been times when I'm sick but still go to the gym anyway. Feel free to add me I'm on daily trying to lose my last 27 pounds.
  • SandyBVTN
    SandyBVTN Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks! You have a very reasonable way to look at this whole process. Starting out by focusing on my food choices and diary and incorporating exercises gradually sounds like a doable plan. Here's to us and a successful and grateful day! :smile:

    Yes! Do this! I am not a regular exerciser at all and I've lost 10.2lbs in the past month on MPF, simply by tracking every bite of food I eat and staying under my calorie goal. I do plan to incorporate more activity in the near future, but at this time I know that it's my eating that got me to this place, so I'm eating my way out of it too.

    Can I make a suggestion? If you don't have a food scale please consider purchasing one. I weigh and measure all of my food and it has been very helpful.

    Please feel free to friend me for motivation and support.