Yesterday was a horrible day...

Yesterday was a horrible day for me. I binged all day it started in the morning with a fruit binge, french fries, polenta, pretzels, bread, cake, then I went to a party and there I had like 10 mozzarella sticks, penne pasta with Alfredo sauce, so many different types of desserts. Today I feel so gross and fat and i hate my self I feel HORRIBLE like I gained 2-3lbs. I worked so hard this week I messed it all up.


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Horrible is mainly your relationship with food IMO!
    move on from it - yesterday is over and today is a new day.
  • MrBrown21
    MrBrown21 Posts: 10 Member
    Pretty sure that weight gain is gone by tomorrow if u eat as per your diet (if u have one) today again. Meaning less than yesterday.
  • AGirrl
    AGirrl Posts: 29 Member
    Yesterday is long gone. Time to move forward. There is always that - time to make the right decision.
  • SmartForAGirl
    SmartForAGirl Posts: 28 Member
    Yesterday was a horrible day for me. I binged all day it started in the morning with a fruit binge, french fries, polenta, pretzels, bread, cake, then I went to a party and there I had like 10 mozzarella sticks, penne pasta with Alfredo sauce, so many different types of desserts. Today I feel so gross and fat and i hate my self I feel HORRIBLE like I gained 2-3lbs. I worked so hard this week I messed it all up.

    This is why MFP encourages you to log your measurements and your weight. We're never asked to log what we "feel" like we weigh because those feelings are notoriously unreliable. Stick with the quantitative measures of progress and don't let your mind play tricks on you. You fell off the wagon for a day but you haven't done the kind of damage you think you've done! Just pick back up where you left off.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Don't throw in the towel over one bad day. You aren't going to be perfect and eat perfectly all the time. It happens. You have to learn from it and move forward. You can reverse it by not giving up.

    We try too hard to be perfect and see as one mistake as the end of the world. It isn't. It is one day or one meal. That one meal can turn into every meal if you give up. Dust yourself off and get back on track. No one is perfect.