post-workout shower itchiness? help!

jschwarz3531 Posts: 40
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has had this problem- in the winter especially if I shower right after working out on the elliptical I am SO ITCHY for about an hour after! Its mostly on my chest, arms and legs. I use perfume free all natural body wash and I've even tried showering in cool water lately but nothing helps! Any suggestions?


  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Sounds like it could be an allergy to sweat, I'm allergic too. When its cold and you work out indoors the moisture has less chance to evapourate and so sits on the skin causing irritation. Try taking an antihystamine 30 mins or so before your work out to see if it helps
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I have major winter dry skin also. I found using Palmers Coconut Oil after the shower works.
  • lahlie
    lahlie Posts: 149 Member
    Someone once told me that it could be the increased circulation from the exercise....I do that too...
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I do that-and it's from dry skin. Aveeno works great for me.....when I remember to use it.
  • I had no clue you could be allergic to sweat! That really sounds like what it is- thanks for the replies! Ill try to coconut oil and antihistamines! :)
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Actually, I've heard it can happen from blood circulation. It happens to me to, and it's not from my dry skin (I have eczema) because it happens when I'm working out. Google itchy skin with exercise.
  • i get a sweat allergy too. in highschool i had to prove that it was a real thing to my jerk of a PE teacher who wouldnt let me stop for just a minute to scratch my legs (he also later that year made me run until i puked and almost passed out. and i had told him i was going to. jerk.) topical antihistamines always worked for me, like benedryl.
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