Meal replacement shakes.

Hello guys, I would like to know your thoughts on meal replacement shakes- drinking only those to lose weight. I am really desperate. I have been losing weight for two years. I was about 180lb I think when I started- 12 stone 12.5, and I am currently meant to be 147lb, I was, and now all of a sudden have gained this waterweight which won't go away, taking me to 150lb. I just feel fat, I'm 5'3 and currently 150lb. I shouldn't be stressing about it, I have anxiety as it is, but I'm a girl, and most girls do stress about their weight.

I am currently on 1lb loss a week, I am considered overweight by bmi, by less than a stone, but still overweight, which I hate. I'm just really feeling quite angry about it all. And I want to get back to 147lb and keep losing. So meal replacement shakes, thoughts? If I did the shakes for a week, and then continued with MFP, after losing a bit of weight from the shakes, would I be able to maintain the weight I lost?


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Hello guys, I would like to know your thoughts on meal replacement shakes- drinking only those to lose weight. I am really desperate. I have been losing weight for two years. I was about 180lb I think when I started- 12 stone 12.5, and I am currently meant to be 147lb, I was, and now all of a sudden have gained this waterweight which won't go away, taking me to 150lb. I just feel fat, I'm 5'3 and currently 150lb. I shouldn't be stressing about it, I have anxiety as it is, but I'm a girl, and most girls do stress about their weight.

    I am currently on 1lb loss a week, I am considered overweight by bmi, by less than a stone, but still overweight, which I hate. I'm just really feeling quite angry about it all. And I want to get back to 147lb and keep losing. So meal replacement shakes, thoughts? If I did the shakes for a week, and then continued with MFP, after losing a bit of weight from the shakes, would I be able to maintain the weight I lost?

    I think you have two separate issues going on here. The first and more important one is your feelings about your weight and the secondary and minimally important one is your weight. I would put most of your efforts into the first because if you feel miserable about your body right now, I promise you that 10lbs from now (or whatever number you have set in your head) you're still not going to be happy.

    As it pertains to your question about meal replacements -- I wouldn't go that route. You're not learning anything about sustainable eating habits by replacing meals with shakes.

    If you are currently losing weight at 1lb/week, the answer is to keep doing that eating a nutrient dense diet of actual food/meals you enjoy.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I think meal replacements are a quick fix. For me, I didn't focus too much on getting the weight off quickly. If I was losing even if it was .5-1lb a week, that was more than enough. What I prioritized was finding foods I enjoyed that help me meet my nutritional needs and staying in my calorie goal. Quick weight loss=/= healthy weight loss.

    I would highly recommend reading some links and take a deep breath:flowerforyou: This isn't a race to a finish, it's a slow dance of life. Even step backs aren't the end. Keep pushing forward and you'll get there
  • gabrielleelliott90
    I meant to say that I'm losing nothing at all. Somehow I forgot to put that in there. I know when I'm at my most ideal weight, probably in the 9 stone area, and back to the old me, I will be happy, because that is how I prefer myself.
  • RunnerStephe
    I drink shakeology daily. I love it.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    What's your calorie goal? Do you take cheat days? Do you have a food scale or could get one for accurately tracking? Could you be overestimating burns? How long have you been tracking?

    Meal replacements don't guarantee weight loss. Calorie deficit does.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    I currently eat 1250 calories each day to lose a pound. I don't take cheat days, I try my very best to eat 1250 calories only each day, but I do a lot of exercise. I don't think I'm overestimating my burns, for example, I used to track 1000 odd calories with my cheap fitness watch ( it is temporary, my fitbit broke on me- aiming to get a polar hrm) and that was for a day of volunteering in a charity shop which you walk around a lot, and walking around town as well. That was overestimated, now it is half of that, or 700 odd which seems more likely. I use a cardiotrainer app on my phone for things like circuit training which gives me a good enough estimate.

    I don't think I'm eating over my calories. I have a food scale which I measure things that need to be measured on, it's electronic so can't go wrong. I've been tracking since I started, so for a year at least.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    This thread seems to indicate you just committed calorie counting last week. I think, perhaps, you're expecting too much too soon?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Consider setting your food diary to public.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    When you reached your goal weight, did you go back to eating at maintenance level calories? And do your clothes fit the same as they did at 147? I suspect the 3 pounds is just your glycogen stores replenishing themselves which is nothing to worry about if your clothes fit the same.

    And meal replacement shakes are fine to help you meet your calorie goals, but consider carefully whether or not you'll learn healthy eating habits this way.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    I did meal replacement shakes. Yes they work. BUT, use only for breakfast. You need real food for lunch and dinner. Pick a good brand and read the ingredients. Way too many have sugar as the first ingredient. Brands I recommend are: Muscle Milk (11 oz), Lean Body (17 oz), Glucerna (I forget which size, but its the one with 220 calories).
  • gabrielleelliott90

    This thread seems to indicate you just committed calorie counting last week. I think, perhaps, you're expecting too much too soon?

    Nope, I've been on here a year at least, I've lost 12lb so far.... I have trouble with weight loss in general, and it is only recently I started sticking to one calorie amount. I used to change my calorie amount often, but I don't do that now. After that post, I dropped a pound to 147lb, but my weight went up, and I've only been sticking to 1250 a day, eating back exercise calories.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    When you reached your goal weight, did you go back to eating at maintenance level calories? And do your clothes fit the same as they did at 147? I suspect the 3 pounds is just your glycogen stores replenishing themselves which is nothing to worry about if your clothes fit the same.

    And meal replacement shakes are fine to help you meet your calorie goals, but consider carefully whether or not you'll learn healthy eating habits this way.

    Sorry for confusing people here, I haven't yet reached my goal weight, but my clothes fit the same at 150lb as they do at 147lb.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member

    This thread seems to indicate you just committed calorie counting last week. I think, perhaps, you're expecting too much too soon?

    Nope, I've been on here a year at least, I've lost 12lb so far.... I have trouble with weight loss in general, and it is only recently I started sticking to one calorie amount. I used to change my calorie amount often, but I don't do that now. After that post, I dropped a pound to 147lb, but my weight went up, and I've only been sticking to 1250 a day, eating back exercise calories.

    Your weight will never be one stagnant amount. I fluctuate up to 3 lbs from one day to the next up to 5 lbs from morning to night. There's so many factors to scale weight. You're looking for a downward trend over weeks. Not sure how often you're weighing.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I tried the shake route and it worked for a little bit, until I got bored. I stopped and the weight came back. It's not good long term. I now only use shakes if I'm having trouble meeting protein goals, but not to replace meals on a regular bases.

    If you're not losing it's possible that you're just eating at maintenance level right now. Do you have a food scale? How accurate is your logging? If you're eating back exercise calories from MFP's calculations then only eat back about half, MFP way over calculates.

    If that isn't the case, talk to your doctor and rule out an underlying medical condition. Just in-case.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member

    This thread seems to indicate you just committed calorie counting last week. I think, perhaps, you're expecting too much too soon?

    Nope, I've been on here a year at least, I've lost 12lb so far.... I have trouble with weight loss in general, and it is only recently I started sticking to one calorie amount. I used to change my calorie amount often, but I don't do that now. After that post, I dropped a pound to 147lb, but my weight went up, and I've only been sticking to 1250 a day, eating back exercise calories.

    I would do whatever SideSteel tells you. Open your diary and let him have a look. He knows his stuff and doesn't charge any of us for all his excellent advice. :flowerforyou:
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I was about to say. You could open your diary and people could see if there's something up there or go see a doctor to rule out a medical condition.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    I tried the shake route and it worked for a little bit, until I got bored. I stopped and the weight came back. It's not good long term. I now only use shakes if I'm having trouble meeting protein goals, but not to replace meals on a regular basis.

    If you're not losing it's possible that you're just eating at maintenance level right now. Do you have a food scale? How accurate is your logging? If you're eating back exercise calories from MFP's calculations then only eat back about half, MFP way over calculates.

    If that isn't the case, talk to your doctor and rule out an underlying medical condition. Just in-case.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    Sorry for being confusing everyone, I should of stated, my goal weight for the timebeing is 143lb. My weight currently, is 150lb, but it should still be 147lb, as last week I lost a pound taking me to 147lb, and then I've gained 3lb in waterweight somehow. I saw on this show about meal replacement shakes, a lot of people do them, and I just had a thought maybe I could try them, but judging from responses, I don't think it would be a good idea. Maybe I should just put my weight down to half a pound per week.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    No medical conditions here, I'm healthy, I have not been eating the healthiest lately, which I'm quite embarrassed at, so I won't open the diary for now. I just can't get back to healthy eating, I don't have much motivation for it. I know that I need to however.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Sodium, tom, water retention from exercise, whether you've had regular bowel movements all influence the scale. I would stick to one calorie amount. Jumping around calories will do you no favors on pinpointing where you need to adjust