Water Drinking Question



  • lshipley1
    lshipley1 Posts: 33 Member
    She just wants advice. I really don't see the need to be sarcastic
  • Project2015
    Actually your body needs water to maintain every single organ in your body. It helps keep acne down, as well as helping your kidneys filter out toxins throughout your body, you absolutely need to remove the toxins, and sodium in your body. Sodium raises your body weight, and keeps lipids that form adipose cells. [fat cells] also water filters out toxins in the muscles, helping them grow and expand to raise endurance, and higher endurance helps build your ability to exercise longer, and faster.
    water removing toxins from your muscles also keeps you from getting muscle knots, and "charlie horses"
    It also helps you sleep better as well. it also clears your pores throughout all of your skin, helping you sweat, and you need to sweat to cool your body while you're working out. water keeps your body running. its not just about weight loss.

    -reference. [Im a med student]
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I hate water. hate. hate.
    but my dr looked at my bloodwork and said, "You do not drink water" and I said "how do you know?" and he said "this number right here." and he pointed to a blood test which SHOWED that I didn't drink enough. BUSTED. he said it is horrible long-term. I am basically dehydrating slowly. kidneys NEED water to function properly.

    I now make a 4 qt. pitcher of fresh water each morning and add lemons/oranges/limes and drink the whole thing over the course of the day. NO I do not think it is going to help me lose weight, but I want to live to be my grandmother's age (she is a healthy 91, living on her own!) so I am following dr's orders.

  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    I don't eat a ton of vegetables and I HATE soup. So no, not really. People always say that your body will tell you when it needs water, but I'm never thirsty. When I do drink water, it just feels unpleasant.
    I have had issues with dehydration my whole life, including several fainting spells and low blood pressure,

    Sounds like your body is telling you to drink more water.

    Actually fainting spells and low blood pressure can also be a symptom of drinking TOO much water. I fainted and was taken to the hospital once, and they claimed I had drunk so much water I had diluted my salt stores too much to function. And all I had drank was 2L of water in a day.

    well obviously this isn't the case with the OP because she admits to not drinking water.