In need of chubby buddy

I'm starting to work out and find myself in need of a "chubby buddy". I'm from Lacey, WA and go to LA fitness if anyone wants to team up for work outs let me know!:smile:


  • LadyKatie2010
    honey, if i lived in WA i'd do it :)
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I wished i lived neat you! I'm in Ca! Ill be your chubby online buddy!
  • Cortx
    Cortx Posts: 103 Member
    HA. wish i lived by you. One of the things that makes me not do it is bc i dont want to go alone.

    All my friends suck. Thats why im not friend with them anymore :)
  • joligher
    Thanks ladies! Going to the gym solo really sucks! If only my husband would go but he goes to the gym every morning (army). So he's not really down for round 2 at 7:30 pm...haha!
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    if you go at the same time everyday pay attendtion to other ppl who go at the same time, might find a buddy that way