New Here and Need Help

GA72189 Posts: 16 Member
After years of being over weight I am trying to lose weight. Well every Saturday I go to this cookout of friends and family. No one but my husband and mother know I am trying to lose weight., I don't want a lot of people to know. How do I go to the cook out with out ruining my goal? Tonight they are having homemade bbq and how do i put that in on my app?


  • DanaLash
    DanaLash Posts: 59 Member
    Why type of meat are they grilling? I'd do it by entering the meat and then just entering like 2 tablespoons of bbq sauce. Try to avoid mayo based salads and chips. If they have a veggie tray, stick with that. Chug a bunch of water and fill up on that so you eat less. That's what I do, anyway. Good luck!
  • GA72189
    GA72189 Posts: 16 Member
    Looks like they are cooking BBQ sandwiches, chips, baked beans, and something sweet. Thank you for replying I have tried to lose weight before and failed bad, I really want it to work this time.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Dana is right. It's all about learning to evaluate the choices and making the best of them. Situations like parties & BBQs will always be a part of life and they are good & healthy. Just learn to enjoy and make the best choices possible.
    If you go over your calorie count for today (by a moderate, well-chosen amount), you can make up for that by extra exercise throughout the coming week.
    Do your best and have fun.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Can you bring a veggie tray? That would be helpful for you and possibly others. How about bringing a fruit salad (always a hit, I find) for dessert?
  • radario
    radario Posts: 59 Member
    I also don't like people to know how hard I'm working at losing weight either so I get you. It just leads to too many people offering unsolicited and often misguided advice.
    Why not adjust your eating leading up to the BBQ so you have some extra calories to play with? You need to be able to enjoy social events, otherwise you will not be able to sustain your current style of eating. As the others said, make smart choices while you're there, find the lower calorie dishes like salad and fruit, steer clear if the bread and check if vegetables are in creamy or oily dressings before deciding how much to have - enjoy your ribs but don't overindulge in calorific drinks, creamy sauces etc. Have a very light breakfast and lunch it skip them if you're not very hungry and are someone who can comfortably skip a meal occasionally.

    If any one comments on you eating differently just deflect or distract. 'I had a big lunch' 'I'm not feeling great right now' 'I'm saving myself for dessert' Whatever, they're little white lies that serve a good purpose. It's no one else's business.

    If you really want it, you will make it work - the rest is just details :)
  • GA72189
    GA72189 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank y'all so much! I'll have to get a veggie tray because that will help me out alot. I did have a light breakfast and lunch. Hopefully I can get in some good exercise before we head out. Thank y'all again so much!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Have faith in yourself if they care about you then they will encourage and support you. (assuming you do need to lose weight.

    1. well if you dont feel comfy telling them, then you cna always make a polite excuse and tell them you arent that hungry or sating off meat etc.

    2.Alternatively take some prepared healthy food along to cook yourself.

    3. Alternatively as said above just be selective or just eat a smaller portion.

    Its not going to be a problem if you save up a few cals like you have. See how it goes.

    If you look at these recipes you cna see what you get. Good op to eat a lot of protein or fish.