Completely Overwhelmed



  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i work at a firehouse, so they've got gyms there, so i've got a backup treadmill for those rainy days that i can hit on my way home! you're right about the being chained to a desk, and i get away as often as i can, but it's not nearly often enough.... however, my parking garage is a block away!
  • frisco111
    frisco111 Posts: 44 Member
    All smart comments here. If I could add one thing - don't compromise your sleep/rest time for the sake of exercise! Sleep apnea is a serious problem but it may sort it self out with weight loss. All the best to you!
  • NatJ522
    NatJ522 Posts: 16 Member
    That's rough. Definitely use myfitnesspal calorie goal and try very hard to stick to it.
  • NatJ522
    NatJ522 Posts: 16 Member
    You need to program myfitnesspal for a 1200 calorie diet. No excuses. If I can do it, you can do it. As for your financial situation, I have ways to save money when money could not be saved. If you want help in that area, add me as a friend and I can give you some tips. You'd be surprised.

    I'd love some tips to save money!!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    You dont need to work out to lose weight, sounds like ur job keeps u busy/active enough that u dont need the extra deficit. Just have your eating on point and youll see results :)

    I agree with this ^^^^^ You do not have to have a 'work out programme' to lose weight and to be healthy. Get your eating right - your life is busy so eat as healthily as you can and don't go too low calorie - just stick to good food in sensible portions and be sensible as far as treats etc. If you want to exercise try and build a little into your normal routines so you are moving a little more. You can do this without turning it into a 3rd job. I try and make my housework as active as possible - it's got to be done anyway so I just do it with attitude! :smile:

    Good luck to you - you sure do have a lot on your plate but you have a plan which, in time, will lead to a happier you.
  • Sounds to me like you've got it all figured out, for the most part. With the exception of your weight. I'd advise you to cut calories where you can. Instead of mayo, have mustard. If you have to have bread, have wheat instead of white. Brown rice instead of white. Little changes, that you'll barley notice, if at all, will make a big difference. Also try parking farther from any entrance, even if it's just a few spaces. On Sundays, even though your busy enough squeeze something extra in, maybe hand wash your car. Or clean the outside of the windows of the house. Every little bit helps!
  • cydulrich
    cydulrich Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I agree with everyone's comments about getting the calories down and making them also might want to go to Target or Wal-Mart or order online a Leslie Sansone walk video. It sounds silly, but even if you just do 1-2 miles in your living room, it will only take 24-30 minutes tops to do 2 miles, and you will not have to go to a gym, brush your teeth or even get dressed to do it. It will get you moving and you could do it as soon as you get home from the jobs or wake up 1/2 hour earlier. It will help. And I commend you for your debt plan....stick to it, you want to get out of debt as quickly as possible.
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    I understand your motivations for clearing your debt, but it's no good being debt free and suffering a nervous breakdown. Everything is balance.

    I agree with the comment about lengthening the time you take to clear your debts. People need a couple of days off every week to stay healthy.
  • skv1974
    skv1974 Posts: 14 Member
    HIIT...HIgh Intensity Interval Training :) You can do a great workout in less time at Home. I love to use Fitness Blenders on Youtube. It has great no equipment interval training in the time that you have alloted for a workout. HIIT gives you more intensity in a short time frame.
    I have 4 kids,a crazy schedule with them in every activity possible and a full time job. I feel you on that divorce dept also. Just be sure you workout!!! Youtube is there whenever you are available. You can also make up a workout by using 45 sec work and 15 sec rest intervals. I have a cool HIIT timer App on my tablet that I use at home and for my Boot Camp classes.
    45 sec Jumping Jacks
    15 sec Active Rest March in Place
    45 sec High Knees
    15 sec Active Rest Lunges etc......

    Another great at home workout I learned in the Army is what we called "52 Card Pick up".
    Use a deck of playing cards. Designate each suite as an exercise and do the number that is on the card.

    Diamonds-Push Ups
    Spades-Jumping Jacks

    Face cards are 10
    Aces are 11

    Hope this helps :)