Runstastic free vs PRO

I have been using Runtastic and really liked it. It seemed pretty consistant day to day, and synced up for me to MFP so I didn't have to input exercise myself.

After getting into a habit of walking nearly every day, I decided to updrage to the pro version. I don't have a heart rate monitor to compare to, however the pro version seems to be wildly overestimating my calories compared to the free version. I checked my stats and they are all correct, so I don't know what has changed.

I know the pro is tracking my elevation, which will effect calories since it takes more effort to walk up an incline that a flat path, but it can't be THAT much more, can it?

...annndddd.. I just found where to change it from "running" to "walking." I bet that was the problem.

Nothing to see here, move along (adding anyway in case someone else has this same issue!)