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I am looking at changing my life style, and I weigh 280lbs and usually I'm anti-social / and plus I have epilepsy with no ability to get around so I'm stick in the house for most of the time of the year since no relatives will help plus they're busy, that aside. What could I possibility do to at least help a little bit?

My fitness, I'm trying to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes with treadmill that I have a day and trying to stand at least 5 to 10 minutes each hour doing a little something. Does it do anything though? I mean, if I stand watching a movie do I actually burn any calories worth anything? And do I earn anything beneficial from it?

My diet is bad now but I've changed a lot of it over the few years such as switching from sodas to diet sodas, and of course I have no energy to do anything. I heard that cutting caffeine would give me more energy which I'm working on, thing is water makes me gag so I'm trying to drink a bottle of it a day and increase it without coolaid or anything. I went from 2% milk to skim milk, and I eat eggs perhaps 3 to 4 with only two yolk, etc.

I am also eating chicken breast grilled with no skin, bones, or crust which is a good source of protein with eggs that's a good thing. Just yesterday my parents asked me what I wanted from pizzahut, instead I made my own which was 1/2 the calories of what pizza hut would have been .I am still trying to change my life style slowly so I can adjust to it and live like that for the rest of my life. I still have issues and I over eat and eat a lot of sweets regardless of changing my diet. Would that be some of the aspartame I drink causing it? I'm trying to stop it now and aiming for fruits and nuts.

You may recommend me eating vegetables, but a lot of them makes me gag when I eat it and I cough it up. Such as green beans, corn, broccoli, carrots, I however love sweet potatoes, avocado, cucumbers, and couple of others which I love I am still trying to find others that like.

Other than me trying to cut back my calories back, how much I eat, and cutting out a lot of the sweets. What else could I do that isn't harsh and is beneficial to me? Any recommendations would be useful.


  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    For exercise, I like Dr. Yoni Freedhoff's Exercise Manifesto (in _The Diet Fix_): "Some is good. More is better. Everything counts."

    Walking 30 minutes a day is great. Standing also helps. It won't burn that many calories, but it will improve your balance, muscular and skeletal strength, and stamina. Recent research suggests that sitting for long stretches is bad for your health, even if you're a regular exerciser:

    As for your diet, small changes are best, as you recognize. If you make a lot of big changes at once, it's hard to sustain them. You want a lifestyle change that you can stick with forever, or you will slip back into your old habits. There's nothing wrong with caffeine in moderation, but it too often comes with empty calories. Black coffee or tea is the best way to get it.

    The hardest thing, though, is getting used to eating less than your body needs, which is what you have to do to lose weight. I was really hungry much of the time for the first 3 weeks of my weight loss. After that, it got a lot easier, as my body adapted to supplying more of its energy needs from stored fat. I was losing about 1.1 pounds a week, which was sustainable; if I had set a more aggressive goal, I would have been too hungry to keep going, I think!

    I used to dislike most vegetables, too. Now I like most of them. It just took trying them over and over again - most people need to try new foods 20-40 times before they like them. If it's the flavor or texture you dislike, try to disguise it - Indian or Mexican dishes that combine meat, chopped vegetables, and spices, served with rice or tortillas, are great ways to add vegetables, as are stir-fries.

    Good luck! The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should faithfully log everything you eat, aim for a reasonable deficit, and if your numbers indicate that you should be losing weight, but you're not (after a few weeks - weight loss isn't linear), then you're either underestimating calories eaten, overestimating exercise calories and activity level, or both. In my first month, I was missing 200 calories a day: I had set my goal to 1.5 pounds/week, and lost only 1.1. One study showed that even registered dietitians missed around 200 calories a day, while the control group of laypeople missed over 400. So don't be surprised if it takes you a while to log accurately. Get a food scale and use it for solids. Measure liquids. Be honest. If you do that, and have the will power to maintain a calorie deficit, you will lose weight.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    For weight loss, all you need is to create a calorie deficit. And it looks like your already on the right path of being aware of what your eating. If you don't already have one, get a food scale and weigh and measure everything you consume.
    I don't like every single veggie either, it's fine to stick with the ones you do enjoy eating. And I'm sure your going to discover others that you'll like too, just keep trying and you'll be sure to find a few that taste good to you.
  • aliu00
    If you are not taking enough vegs,then add some fiber powder .Drink some fiber,help you clean your body.